Chapter 3-Guest house

Start from the beginning

I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. After a nightmare it's hard to sleep.

I stayed up and just watched some tv since that's pretty much all I can do.

I started coughing, really hard until I see some blood drops.

I probably coughed too hard. I have coughed up blood before so I wasn't too worried.

After watching a couple of shows I got bored. I couldn't do much. If I had my skateboard I would have skated around the house. Instead I ate some food and took a shower. There was some body soap and shampoos and a toothbrush and paste here. At least they gave me the basic necessities.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Bruised all over my legs, arms, stomach and back. There was also scars on my back from the beatings I have gotten.

My wound I stitched up looks ugly. Very inflamed and red, it could be infected.

I sat down on the couch, a table in front of me with drawers. I like to snoop so I opened the drawer to see arts and crafts.

Why does this scary man have arts and crafts in this guest house.

I made myself a bracelet, the nickname everyone called me


I liked sky because when I know my mom is up in the sky watching over me.

I made the colors my mom and i's favorite color.

I made multiple bracelets throughout the day, watching different shows.

I ate another meal at night and slept on the comfortable bed. It was like clouds, so soft and actually slept.

I woke up the next morning feeling sick. I went to the bathroom to see I looked really pale.

No one has checked up on me for the past 2 days.

I checked my forehead, I was burning up. I look at my wound to see it was seeping with puss and blood. It was infected, and I didn't have anything to take for it besides the pain killer which I have 2 left.

I started coughing, gripping the counter. I was coughing up blood, not just a small amount but a lot. I started throwing up blood.

What the hell was happening to me

I ran out of the bathroom, coughing up blood, dropping it down on my chin.

I banged on the door

"Help me" I yelled banging on the door

I can't die like this

"Please someone" I begged

I threw up more blood. I was dying and this is how. I thought maybe somehow I was going to be able to escape and live a new life but instead I was dying in the guest house of a kidnapper


I couldn't do this. I got up and grabbed a chair. I threw it at one of the windows. An alarm went off but I didn't care. I cleared the remaining glass and jumped out of the window, running.

Skylar you can do this.

I saw the woods and ran as fast as I could. I heard chatters and yelling, probably because I escaped. I didn't look back I kept running, keep running Skylar. 

It was painful and coughing up blood wasn't fun while running

I looked back to see no one after me, not looking ahead I tripped on something. A giant tree branch it was.

I fell hitting my head on a rock, causing me to cut it.

I rolled onto my back, turning my head to the side throwing up the blood

I saw a tree and crawled to it. Supporting myself on it so I don't choke on my blood

I looked at my locket realizing I will see my mom again

"I'm coming mom" I said imagining her with me

I hear the tree branches snapping. I look up to see who it was. It was Tyler

"Please, don't hurt me" I said

I rather die like this instead of getting tortured even more.

I felt the blood coming up, I spit up the blood to the side

He slowly walked up to me. I tried scooting back but I couldn't.

"Hey, I won't hurt you" he said slowly still walking towards me

With the amount of blood, the pain and being sick, caused me to be extra weak. I'm on the brink to passing out

My vision becomes blurry and spotty. This was the end, I was going to see my mom again

"I'll see you soon mom" was the last words I said before passing out

Tyler's p.o.v

I was busy doing work in my office when one of men barged into my office

"The girl escaped" he said

"What" I shouted

"She broke one of the windows and ran" he replied

"Then what are you doing here?" I shouted

"Sorry" he said running out

God why can't this kid be less annoying and just stay put. First wanted to stop by somewhere then the house. She's lucky I didn't put her in the warehouse with the other criminals

I grab my gun from my table and tuck it in the back. I grabbed my phone and headed outside. Everyone started searching and I went towards the woods.

I follow this path and saw the girl laying on a tree. She had a cut on her forehead and blood on her and neck. She looked like hell

I slowly walk up to her, to see what is wrong and why this is happening

"Please don't hurt me" she said

I am a scary guy but I never hurt kids. Most of the times they are innocent and didn't do anything, just wrong place wrong time.

She spit up blood and not a small amount but I good amount

She need to get to the hospital

"Hey I won't hurt you" I said walking closer. I wanted her to get some help

Her eyes started rolling back

"I'll see you soon mom" she says as she passed out

I run up to her, finding a pulse. It was very faint

"I need some help here" I shouted

You'll get the help, don't worry


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. What will happen to Skylar? Find out next time, see you later byeeee

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