Chat #13

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Kevin: Let's do something guys

Betty: like what?

Kevin: Something fun and I request that nor you or Jughead make any suggestions because the both of you are boring

Jughead: right😑

Archie: How about we go to the Zoo?

Kevin: What are we a bunch of six year olds? We're not going to the fucking Zoo, Archie

Toni: Ouuu the Zoo I wanna see Po

Cheryl: we're not going to the zoo TT

Toni: but Master Po, Cher🥺

Cheryl: maybe next time, my precious jewel

Toni: ok😞

Veronica: wait hold on Cheryl, no need to be harsh now we can go to the Zoo if Toni wants to

Betty: yeah it's cool

Toni: but Cherry said no

Kevin: she was just being a meanie

Cheryl: What? didn't you just say that we're not going?

Archie: Yeah you even cussed me out🥺

Kevin: you two are being delusional it's probably a red head thing🙄

Jughead: yeah there's no problem with going

Cheryl:...ok but can we eat first I'm starving

Archie: ouu can we go to Chipotle?

Kevin: ugh can we not? It gives me gas

Toni: can we pls get Chipotle?

Cheryl: no Toni you saw what Kevin said

Toni: ok I'm sorry, I guess we can eat something else

Kevin: you know what on second thought Chipotle doesn't sound half bad there's nothing wrong with farting a little it's natural

Toni: YAY😄

Veronica: well it looks like we got a plan

Cheryl: uh huh

Betty: What time do we meet?

Jughead: As soon as possible these mosquitoes are giving me hell

Toni: but I'll miss Spongebob a new episode is coming out in thirty minutes

Betty: an hour or two won't hurt I mean I have to help my mom with something anyways

Cheryl: I thought Auntie Alice was out of town...

Veronica: well obviously you thought wrong Cheryl

Cheryl: yeah, ok, no TT?

Toni: yes Cher?

Cheryl: Get dressed we're all going to Chic fil a in twenty minutes

Toni: but Cher...

Cheryl: don't talk back just do it

Toni: ...ok

Toni left the chat

Cheryl: what the hell do you guys think you're doing?

Veronica: what do you mean Cher?

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