Chat #5

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Archie: uhmmmm......guys

Veronica: Not rn Archie we're watching glee

Archie: This is kinda important😕

Kevin: what could possibly be more important than glee at this moment?

Archie: I kinda lost Toni😬

Kevin: WHAT


Veronica: BY YOU LOST

Cheryl: MY TT😡

Archie: I just don't know where she is one minute she was sleeping on the floor and the next minute she's gone

Betty: Sleeping on the floor?😐

Archie: She's kinda drunk

Cheryl: I thought you said that you were going to make sure she does NOT drink

Archie: I was but her friends were literally shoving it down her throat, she even told them multiple times that she didn't want to drink but they wouldn't stop

Betty: so you didn't stop them?

Archie: They were all in the same gang I was the only one in the party that wasn't I was afraid that if I tried to stop them they would think I was trying to start a fight

Veronica: 🤦🏻‍♀️

Archie: what now?

Cheryl: NOW I'm going to drive to the southside to find my girlfriend and when I do find her she's staying in the northside for awhile

Archie: but Cheryl she's in a gang what if she has to do...I don't know gangly activities?

Cheryl: then dats tuff

Cheryl's POV

I'm currently searching for my keys when I hear three soft knocks at the front door and...scratching I believe?

"Uhhh what the hell was that?" Josie asked cautiously glaring at the front door.

"It's three in the morning, you know what that means" Kevin slowly walks as far away from the door as possible.

"Calm down Dr. Peter, there's no fucking demons at my house" I walked towards the front door to open it.

"Surprisingly" I heard Betty mumble.

When I opened the door to my surprise I see my girlfriend smiling widely with a puppy in her arms.

"Look Cherry I found a puppy" she says bouncing on her toes a little, if it wasn't for the strong smell of alcohol that suddenly hit my nostrils I would've thought she was having a sugar rush.

I ignored her statement and checked her to see if she was injured in some type of way.

"Oh look it's just Toni, thank god" Kevin sighs in relief.

"Wait, Toni?" Betty, Veronica, and Josie comes to the door to see what's going on.

"Cheryl, what are you doing?" Veronica asked more curious than confused.

"I'm checking if she's injured anything as little as a splinter is all too serious for me" when I finished I pulled Toni inside the house and sat her on the couch.

"Where were you little one? Archie thought he lost you" Josie speaks to her softly, really taking in Toni since this is the first time she's meeting her.

"That fucking armenian asshole did lose her" I say clearly angry.

"Oh umm I was with Jughead and then um I was...and then Sweetpea um...he was..." She zoned out for a bit it was not until the puppy let out a little bark and licked her face is when she got out of her headspace "Who cares? I found a puppy" she giggled.

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