Ch. 1 The Preface

Start from the beginning

" Your Dada will always love you," James sadly kissed Harriet's forehead.

Lily heartbrokenly stared at James and Harriet.

" Your mother, Uncle Padfoot, and Uncle Moony will take such good care of you for me," James lovingly tells Harriet.

Harriet's chubby hands tightly grasp on James' unruly black hair since she is scared and confused.

" Promise me you will not date any boys until you graduate from Hogwarts and become a successful woman like your Mum," James sadly tells Harriet while gently pulling her chubby hands from his unruly black hair.

James slowly lifts his head as his Hazel eyes intently stared at Lily's bright green eyes.

"Lily, take Harriet and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off," James sternly tells Lily as he walks up to his wife, and he carefully passed Harriet to Lily.

Lily securely holds Harriet in her arms as she stares at James in disbelief.

" I-I am not leaving you alone with that horrible man!" Lily cries out.

James sadly and fondly stared at Lily. He gently placed his hands on his beloved and beautiful wife, and he then kisses her on the lips with so much passion.

Tears fell from Lily's bright green eyes as she passionately kisses James.

" I love you so much, Lily. Take good care of our daughter for me," James whispers while stepping back and turning to face the door, looking and feeling determined to sacrifice his life so that Lily and Harriet can have a peaceful future together.

" I love you so much, James," Lily whispers as she turns around, and she runs up the stairs to Harriet's nursery room.

Lily and Harriet reached the nursery room. Lily slammed and locked the door behind her as she walks up to the crib, and she gently placed her beloved and adorable daughter on it.

Harriet stared at Lily with teary green-blue eyes as she held her tiny arms out to her mother.

" Dada?" Harriet calls out to Lily.

Lily sadly stared at Harriet, and she cries when she hears a chilling malicious masculine voice scream out 'Avada Kedavra,' which lets her know that her beloved husband, James, is gone.

Lily's right hand gently grasped Harriet's chubby hand as she sadly smiled at her beloved and adorable daughter.

" Harriet. Mummy and Dada love you so much. We will always watch over you. I know your Uncle Remus will make sure your Uncle Sirius does not drive you crazy. I know in my heart those two will take good care of you," Lily leans down to Harriet, and she sadly kissed her beloved and adorable daughter's forehead.

Lily's heart sank when she hears the door behind her explode, which startled Harriet, and she started to cry.

Lily pulls her hand away from Harriet's grasp, and she turns around to face the most horrible man in the whole Wizarding World, the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

Lord Voldemort's emotionless red eyes intently stared at Lily's fierce and scared bright green eyes.

" Step aside, you foolish girl," Lord Voldemort sternly tells Lily while holding his wand in Lily and Harriet's direction.

" Not Harriet! Please no, take me, kill me instead!" Lily cries out while holding her arms out and using her body as a shield to protect her defenseless daughter from Lord Voldemort's wrath.

" This warning is the last one," Lord Voldemort glares at Lily.

" Not Harriet! Please! Have mercy! Have mercy! Not Harry! Not Harry! Please! I'll do anything!" Lily cries and begs Lord Voldemort to spare Harriet's life.

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