Chapter 19: The Maker Himself

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Garrison took up the gun, as he could barely breathe himself. Sure enough, a few soldiers entered the room, backing Garrison as he gave out a small laugh.

"Not so cocky now..."

Garrison yelped as he got shot. Alex gasped, before seeing that those reinforcements were a bit... unusual.

"You guys alright?" Samantha said as she held all those men on a tight mental leash. Eight soldiers weren't hard for Samantha, although she isn't entirely sure whether it was necessary anyway.

Sure enough, Noah came, who looked rather impressed at how his 'proteges' have succeeded in doing the impossible. "I'm proud of you kids, all of you," Noah said, as he gave a small pat to Samantha. Seeing everyone here was moralising, with all the five poweroids back together. Just then, they saw Sally on the ground, lifeless as Noah closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Noah said as the lights started to dim a little. 

"I guess our friend Roland has already implemented the EMP device," Jack said as the elevator opened up. Alex was still in a daze, considering that everything is happening so fast. It didn't help at all that so many have perished in such a short time. "You think I should stay back and hold my breath," Alex said, as he paid his respects to Sally. Soon as he said that, the building shook as they could barely keep themselves still.

"Well, looks like all of us have to face him," Noah said, as he could feel his past tormenting him. As all of the Jessicas merged into one host body, all of them entered the elevator, preparing for the worst to come. Noah looked at his poweroid children, already with their powers. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as he looks around them...


The elevator ride was unusually long, or at least that's what Alex felt as his hands felt terribly cold. "Get ready kids," Noah said as the door in front of them opened. The room looked wide and open, with only a lying body and the Figure himself inhabiting the room.

"Noah, good to see you again," the Figure chuckled, as he yanked the serum from the body himself. The figure coughed as his hands looked fiery as if his eyes themselves were burning with desire. "Yeah, and I don't remember you ageing well," Noah said as he looked closely at the dead kid. He stopped dead in his tracks, as he remembered his face from long ago.

"Pyro?" Noah said as the Figure gave out a small chuckle. "Well, he's no longer Pyro, or alive," the Figure said as his hands burst into flames. Just then, a few dozen soldiers entered into the room, again all raising their guns.

"And I see you have rescued your beloved Alex, is the Metal Man really worth saving after what you have seen?" the Figure continued to mock Noah, although he remains unfazed.

"Whatever sins he caused in his previous life doesn't matter, can't say the same for you, Adam," Noah said, as Alex gave a quick glance at him. 'He knows him?' Alex thought as the Figure tsked at his words.

"So be it, kill them all," the Figure said as the poweroids all scattered throughout the room. Within the various gunfire, Alex took the massive tables that happen to be made of metal and created a barricade after them. From there, they all hid as the bullets bounced out of the barricade.

"Jack, Jessica, Samantha, the three of you do crowd control," Noah commanded as the gunfire tried to drown out his voice. "Alex, you try to take down the Figure with those bullets hitting at us, Kat, try to take him down while Alex is facing him off,"  Noah continued.

"You want me to face him alone?"

Just as Alex said that Jack pounced into the guards, as he carried one of them and toss it to the other group. Jack handed the gun over to Jessica, who immediately multiplied in mass to fight against the Order.

"So be it," Alex said as he ran outside the barricade, taking whatever metallic objects he can find and toss them at the soldiers. Bullets, tables, chairs, even the fans. However, a large fireball engulfed the fan, as Alex saw the Figure all too powerful to be stopped.

"Looks like you need some discipline," the Figure said as sends a large fireball at Alex. The latter could barely dodge it, with even his back not spared. 

"Damn it!" Alex yelled as he tried to put out the fire behind his back. But to no avail. The Figure was always one step ahead of him. Alex barely saved his own life as he brought the table to withstand the onslaught of the inferno.

"Time to die, boy," the Figure yelled as he stopped the inferno, in preparation for a larger inferno. Alex yelped, as he knew the worst was about to come. Just as the Figure was about to rain fire on him, he felt a short stab on the back. The Figure immediately caught the one doing it, it was Katherine no less. He pulled out the knife as the wound closes itself without pause.

"There you are," the Figure said, as he choked Katherine with an iron grip. Kat was surprised at how little damage the blade inflicted on him. If anything, he relishes it, as his power grows by the minute.

"Futile isn't it,"

"I don't think so," Noah said as The Figure got shot as a bullet punctured his body. Noah reloaded his revolver as he continued to shoot at him. As Kat was released from his grasp, she crawled out as she recovered the blade. Noah finally shot the Figure, as he put his weapon in point-blank range at the Figure's head. "You asked me, and I said yes, as you can see, I didn't fully suffer from that mistake," Noah said as he was ready to pull the trigger himself.

The Figure then took up the weapon and burned it to a crisp. As Noah could barely react, the Figure took up Noah as his hands once again were enflamed. Noah yelled as the Figure didn't let go of him, burning him entirely as if Noah was tied to a burning rod.

"Goodbye, Noah," the Figure said as he burns Noah up. "No!" Samantha yelled as she immediately lost control of the soldiers she was using. As those soldiers are about to shoot at her, Alex immediately took the second table and shoved it to them. As Kat saw Noah dropped to the ground, Kat saw red as her blade thrust to his heels. "Damn you!" Kat screamed as the Figure yelled in pain.

As the Figure yelled,  Alex saw a large metal object with a sharp edge. Alex levitated it as he saw Jack finally dealing with the last soldier. As Alex thrust it upwards, Jack jumped upwards to take the object, as he went for the Figure.

"Take this!" Jack yelled as he finally took down the Figure. Jack thrust the spear into him, as the Figure was then slammed into the floor.

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