Chapter 61 Lost

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The scream pierced his heart. Lan Zhan let go of Wangji and unsheathed Bichen. Fear pooled in his stomach as he charged forward, slashing at anything that got in his way, leaving a trail of destruction.

He jumped over something lying in his way and then, realizing what it was, he ran back to slash at it. A shrill cry filled the forest and the fog began to clear. He then saw it clearly; it was definitely the pale white body of a snake.

With new resolve, he ran on ahead. He came across the pale body at least three times, slicing everytime. The trees cleared, and it was only by a sixth sense of self preservation that he stopped.

Right in front of him, the mountain dropped. He would have fallen straight down into the ravine.

The hissing laugh next to him, alerted him to the snake. She weakly opened her eyes and smiled, full of spite.

"You're too late!" Blood dripped from her mouth.

"Where's Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan stalked towards her, Bichen aiming for her throat.

"You were about to follow him." She looked past him to the edge. "He's gone."

She laughed one final time before Bichen silenced her forever.

Lan Zhan did not believe her. He could not.

"Wei Ying?" He cried out. He lay on the edge of the stone, leaning over so he could see better, but the ground was too far away.

Low clouds obscured his view. There was only one way he could go.

He mounted Bichen and flew down, scanning the sheer sides, looking for any sign of Wei Ying.

There was nothing.


XiChen was watching the backs of the injured people leave, already having given the signal to the scouts, when he saw Lan Zhan. His brother stumbled off Bichen, just in time for XiChen to catch him.

"Didi! What happened?" His concern grew when there was no answer.

XiChen took a good look at his brother and was shocked to find him crying.

"Where's Wei Ying?" XiChen, frustrated at his silence, shook him gently.

"I can't find him." Lan Zhan sobbed. "I've lost him."

"Wait, wait, Didi. Come with me." XiChen took him straight to the Hanshi.

Jiang Cheng was already there, sitting at the table. When he saw Lan Zhan, he immediately stood up.

"Where's my brother?" He demanded.

"Wanyin, calm down." XiChen made them both sit down and he poured tea into cups and pushed it towards them. "Now, WangJi, tell us from the beginning. What happened?"

Lan Zhan explained in full detail, everything that he saw.

When he finished, Jiang Cheng got up to leave.

"Wait!" XiChen told him. "Take some men with you. If he truly fell from there, he could have landed anywhere. We should pinpoint where he would be, and then spread out.

XiChen went to organise the search parties, but Lan Zhan got up to join him.

"No, Didi. You need to rest. You're exhausted. You're no good to us if you pass out there." XiChen pressed down on his shoulder, but Lan Zhan pushed his hand away.

"I can't...I can't stay here. Ge-ge, I-I need to find him."

XiChen quickly pulled him into his arms. "Didi, you know Brother Wei is a survivor. We will find him, and he will be okay. You must believe that."

Lan Zhan couldn't speak. He lifted his pain filled eyes to his brother's.

"Please." He managed.

"Alright." XiChen reluctantly agreed, knowing he could never say no to his baby brother. "But not alone. You take ten men with you."

Lan Zhan nodded and followed them out.


Jiang Cheng stomped through the forest. It had cleared up and now there was no fog, no mists and certainly no clouds to hinder their search.

He knew something was wrong the moment he'd seen Lan Zhan. The Jade, always so calm and dependable, was never upset, never cried. Except when it was something to do with Wei Ying.

The stars were just coming out, twilight settling among the trees, when they called off the search.

Lan Zhan didn't want to leave.

"The men are tired, you are tired! Please, Didi! You have to rest." XiChen pleaded with him.

But he didn't want to listen.

Jiang Cheng came up behind him. When XiChen nodded, he pressed on the pressure point between his head and neck, knocking him out. XiChen grabbed him, and carried him back to the Jingshi.

"Father!" The children cried out, when they saw him.

"He's alright." XiChen reassured them. "Just tired."

"Where's father Wei?" Li XiWang asked, her big eyes frightened.

"We're still looking for him." XiChen couldn't look at her. "It's dark now and we can't see anything. We'll go back at first light."

"I want to go and look." She demanded, eyes filling with tears.

XiChen knelt and hugged her. "But if you leave, who will look after this father? He needs help too, isn't it?"

She nodded slowly.

"I'll go with them tomorrow." SiZhui said, patting her back.

She sniffed and looked at Lan Zhan.

"Can we sleep with father tonight?" She asked SiZhui.

"That's a great idea." XiChen said. "He will feel much better if you're with him."

She nodded seriously.


The next morning, Lan Zhan woke up at exactly five. He looked on the bed, hoping it was a bad dream, but instead of his husband, his children were softly sleeping next to him. He kissed his daughter's cheek and rose. Before he left, he wrote them a note so they wouldn't worry.

He didn't want to face his brother or Jiang Cheng, this early. He couldn't cope with their sympathy, the pitying looks. His desperation had him mounting Bichen and leaving as soon as he could.

WangXian Forever 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora