Chapter 33 Poison

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Wei Ying smiled awkwardly at the healer's assistant.

"Honestly, we are not here for me." He tried to reassure him, but the assistant excused himself quickly and went to get someone else.

Healer Fei pushed up his glasses and stared at the two cultivators standing in the infirmary.

"We're here to ask about any updates you might have on the ring XiChen-Ge gave you." Wei Ying looked at him hopefully.

"Ah, Master Wei, you will be glad to hear, I have some good news." His glasses slid down once more. "I have been able to identify the substance contained within the ring."

"Really?" Wei Ying rocked back and forth on his toes. "What is it?"

"It is a poison known as ricin. Ricin is found on the cover of the seeds, from the castor oil plant. The flowers of the plant are yellowish green with red centres, and the leaves are large and jagged. But its seeds are the main ingredient in this particular poison." Healer Fei handed them back the ring, wrapped in a white cloth. "Be careful when handling this. The poison is still present."

"Where does this plant grow?" Wei Ying asked. "They must need quite a lot of it, if they're all wearing these rings."


"Mostly in tropical places. This plant needs hot temperatures and plenty of light." Healer Fei pushed up his glasses again. "It is a serious matter, Master Wei. The poison can cause severe damage to major organs, abdominal cramps, vomiting and internal bleeding. If these people are dying within seconds, they are using a highly concentrated dosage."

"What about the outside of the ring? Any idea of what that emblem means?" Wei Ying gave him his most charming smile.

"That is more a matter for the scholars. I have told you everything I know about the contents." Healer Fei peered at them both. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Wei Ying thought for a moment. "Actually, there is." He pulled out a talisman, wrote a few characters on it and handed it to him.

"What's this?" Healer Fei looked confused.

"Put it on your glasses. They'll never fall down again!" Wei Ying pushed his husband out of there.


XiChen was looking for more information about their ring in the library when they found him.

The books in front of him were illustrated with a range of different chimeras; the mix of different animals in singular bodies was truly remarkable.

"Do you think you can find it in there?" Wei Ying asked, naturally curious.

"Maybe. Doesn't it seem like one of these?" XiChen pointed out a picture of a cat like creature with a long tail and wings, but a hard shell on its back.

"Uncle Qiren and my grandmother were worrying about it being a Suanni. What if that's what we have to find?" Wei Ying looked at the ring again. "I'm sure I've seen this before."

"We know next to nothing about the Suanni. Or even what their intentions are regarding it? What is their endgame?" XiChen looked worriedly at them.

"Maybe we'll get more answers when we visit Yiling. That's where the doctor was." Wei Ying tried to cheer him up. "We've still got to find out if Grandmother's disciples are alright. I think it's too much of a coincidence that suddenly, all these parents start turning up."

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan left the library with more questions than answers. Now they had to break the news to the little girl that they were going to leave.


Li XiWang was sitting outside the Jingshi on the deck, with her Uncle Cheng.

"I think the sword's better." She stated, fixing him with an intense look.

"I can use both. Zidian is an excellent spiritual weapon." Jiang Cheng insisted.

"If you say so." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You!" Jiang Cheng spluttered, not believing her.

"Don't forget, I've seen both in action. You rely too much on it, and it isn't even that great." She left him red faced and speechless, jumping up excited to see her fathers.

"Father! And father!" She bowed to both.

Wei Ying picked her up and kissed her cheeks, grinning at Jiang Cheng, who resembled a volcano.

"You mustn't tease your uncle, little rabbit. It's not polite." But he was smiling while he said it.

"But father, I wasn't teasing!" She replied, adamantly. "I was completely serious. He should listen to me, I know what I saw!"

Wei Ying stifled a laugh and quickly took her inside.

"My Brother is waiting for you." Lan Zhan told the chameleon. "He's in the library."

Lan Zhan walked past him and entered the Jingshi, closing the door behind him, leaving the angry lotus outside.

SiZhui brought dinner for everyone and they sat down to eat. Wei Ying waited until they finished before broaching the difficult subject.

He held out his arms to Li Xiwang. She stared at him solemnly, before climbing into his lap.

"What is it, father?"

Wei Ying kissed her forehead. "We have to tell you something, and I'm worried that you might take it the wrong way." He told her honestly.

"Okay." She stared so intensely at him that he could feel tears forming. This would not do.

"I don't want to leave you." Wei Ying held her close, trying not to cry.

"There, there." She patted his shoulder. "Why do you think you have to leave?"

Wei Ying was now a blubbering mess, so Lan Zhan answered her.

"Have to help other children. Other disciples may be in trouble."

"Father Wei, it's alright. I understand." She wiped his face. "I have Brother SiZhui and Uncle XiChen, and even Uncle Cheng. There's nothing to worry about!"

"I know. But it's hard." He looked at her, eyes red and puffy.

"I'll still be here when you get home. How long will you be gone for?"

"Five days at least!" Wei Ying wailed and cried more.

Lan Zhan pulled out a few jars of Emperor's Smile. He poured quickly and pushed the cup towards the distraught man.

"I don't want to go." He told her.

"I don't want to go to classes, father. But you said they're good for me."

"They are!" Wei Ying wiped his own face with his sleeve.

"So let's make a deal. I'll go to classes without complaining, and you go do what you have to. Okay?" She smiled kindly at him and kissed his wet cheeks. "I love you. You can do it."

"I love you too." The tears began again. "That's the first time you said that! Lan Zhan!" He sobbed. "Our daughter loves us!"

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