Chapter 46 Siblings

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XiChen-Ge had asked Wei Ying to meet him in the library. He met Jiang Cheng on the way, so they walked there together.

"Why are you coming?" Wei Ying asked him.

"He's my husband. I can talk to him if I want to." Jiang Cheng replied, irritably.

"What's wrong with you today?" Wei Ying grinned at him.

"I don't know. I don't like sharing him...I think." He sighed, anger vanishing. "It's more like I'm feeling that I'm not seeing him enough."

"I bet he feels the same." Sympathy laced his words. "Lan Zhan always feels like that."

"We're not like you two. We can be mature about it." Jiang Cheng sounded as if he couldn't believe his own words.

"Suit yourself." Wei Ying entered the library with a bright smile for his brother in bond.

"Brother Wei, thank you for coming." XiChen smiled broadly.

"What did you want to see me about?" He came to the table where XiChen was sitting, to look at the stack of books.

Jiang Cheng came onto his side and kissed him enthusiastically.

"Not the same, huh?" Wei Ying mimicked with a snigger.

"Shut up!" Jiang Cheng shouted.

"Uh, actually, this is quite important." XiChen hurried to intervene. "We may have had a breakthrough regarding the second sheet of paper Nie Huaisang found."

"Really? What is it?" Wei Ying bounced on his feet excitedly.

"Look!" XiChen placed three books in front of him, open at three different pages. "Read this."

He waited for Wei Ying to finish.

"Hmm. Is it some sort of summoning spell?" Wei Ying reread the passages concerned with those on the bloody paper.

"I think so. This," he pointed out a few particular characters, "and this, makes me quite sure. What do you think?" He rocked back on his feet.

"I think you could be right. Especially with this." Wei Ying pointed out another line.

"So do you think they want to summon Suanni?" He asked, tapping his nose.

"It's just a theory. It bothers me that we don't know what they want." XiChen looked worriedly at both brothers. "As sect leaders, it's our responsibility to make sure nothing harmful is happening to people under our protection. I just feel like I'm failing them."

Jiang Cheng rubbed his arm. "You're a caring person. It's okay to feel this way, but you are not at fault. You're doing your best."

XiChen kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"Any news from Huaisang?" Wei Ying asked, still examining the books.

"Not yet. I hope he won't put his people in unnecessary danger. These people that we are investigating take things too far."

"Brother." Lan Zhan came and stood next to Wei Ying. "Not in Jingshi."

"Ah, sorry about that!" Wei Ying clutched his hand. "I thought I'd come and see you after, but you beat me to it."

"My fault!" XiChen smiled, a little embarrassed. "I asked Brother Wei to come and see me here. We may have found something." He explained to his brother in detail. "What do you think?"


SiZhui and Li Xiwang entered the library. The little girl came and held Lan Zhan's hand quietly, not wanting to disturb them. Lan Zhan picked her up.

"What are you doing here?" Wei Ying kissed her cheek, and returned to his books.

"Neither of you were at home, so we came to find you." She explained. "It's dinnertime."

"Would you like to join us?" XiChen smiled pleasantly at them. "For dinner?"

"No. They do not." Jiang Cheng stated firmly, not breaking eye contact with his husband.

Wei Ying smothered a laugh, recalling what his brother had said.

"Why, that would be lovely!" He exclaimed loudly, hiding his smile. "When shall we come?"

"Never!" Jiang Cheng pushed him out of library.

"But XiChen-Ge invited us! Jiang Cheeennng!" Wei Ying whined in protest.

"See?" Li Xiwang said to her father. "That's not nice, is it?"


"You! Just shut it!" Jiang Cheng scowled at her.

"Don't tell at my baby!" Wei Ying called from the door, mischievously.

"I just want to spend some time with my husband. Alone!" Jiang Cheng roared, finally having had enough.

Wei Ying disappeared in a flash, beckoning his husband and disapproving daughter. SiZhui was already outside at the first signs of raised voices.

XiChen came around the table and put his arms around his shaking husband.

"I'm sorry. I have been neglecting you, my love." He kissed him gently, and Jiang Cheng melted into him slowly.

"We haven't seen each other in days!" He complained.

"I know, I know. I tried to leave, but it was one thing after another." XiChen kissed him again. "Please forgive me?"

"Nothing to forgive." Jiang Cheng kissed him back hard. "I'm as much to blame. Lotus Pier is swamped with inquiries. I think I need an assistant."

"Let's get out of here." XiChen decided, holding his hand.

"Are you sure? Haven't you got to finish up?" Jiang Cheng gestured at the messy desk.

"Nope. It can wait. My husband cannot."

That deserved another kiss.

They left the library hand in hand, strolling towards the Hanshi.

"Did you have a good day? Other than missing me?" XiChen asked, predicting the answer with a small smile.

"No. I hate talking to people. I wish I could use the Gusu silence spell." He muttered.

"I can teach you." XiChen whispered in his ear, inducing a shiver.

"I bet you can." Jiang Cheng's eyes blazed with passion. "Come here." He was just about to do something shameless to his husband, when they heard footsteps and reluctantly broke apart.

The disciple was out of breath. "Sect Leader Lan XiChen, you have to come right away!"

Jiang Cheng groaned.

"What is it?" XiChen smiled at him before answering.

"There's someone at the gates." He leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. He was married to the man, yet they still insisted on trying to keep things from him.

XiChen had gone pale.

"What is it?" Jiang Cheng came closer.

"You better come with me." He said. To the disciple, "get Master Wei now. He should be there, too."

XiChen wasted no time walking fast to the gates. Jiang Cheng held his hand all the way, confused. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying turned up seconds later.

They looked at the person standing in front of the guards.

She smiled and bowed. Then looking at Wei Ying, she said, "don't you recognize me, Brother? I'm your sister."

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