Chapter 16 Care

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Wei Ying reluctantly placed the warm small body on the table in the infirmary, inside the Unclean Realm. His grandmother checked her pulse; Li Xiwang was alive but non responsive. All her vitals were normal, and in every way, she looked as if she was just fast asleep. He held her other hand, wishing to let her feel his presence, to reassure her that she was safe now.

"What do you think, Grandmother? Can you tell what's wrong with her?" He whispered.

Lan Zhan stood next to him, holding his waist close to him, and Wei Ying felt so grateful. He didn't think he could remain standing, his body was still shaking.

"I'm going to use my spiritual energy to check her meridians and her core." His grandmother batted away the hands of the healers who seemed to have no idea of what to do.

Nie Huaisang stood in the corner, just watching. His men had already informed him of everything that had happened.

A blue light emanated from her two fingers into the child's temple, woven with a gold thread intertwined. They watched as it spread. Baoshen Sanren paused, holding a palm on Li Xiwang's dantian, eyes worried. That was where her golden core was...

"Grandmother?" Wei Ying whispered, dread curling like a fist around his heart, squeezing.

"Don't worry, she still has it." She quickly reassured him. "But something is definitely wrong. I can't sense the normal pulsing, it's as if it has become dormant."

"So what can we do?" He needed an answer, anything...

"I want to take her back. There are treatments I can only use there." She made up her mind. "You!" She looked at Nie Huaisang, who trembled. "Have a carriage ready at sunrise."

He nodded and disappeared in a flash.

"Wei Ying, you should rest now." Kindness crept into her voice.

Lan Zhan was about to lead him away, when the fingers holding his hand tightened. He turned back.

"Li Xiwang! Little rabbit!" He had called her that once, and she had giggled. How he wanted to hear that again!

But her eyes stayed closed.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said, firmly, daring anyone to argue.

But his grandmother only smiled and ordered extra bedding; Lan Zhan was also staying.


They left as soon as the sky lightened. Wei Ying sat in the carriage with her, unwilling to let go.

Nie Huaisang had promised to find out everything about the mysterious couple and why they had made their severe choice. Wei Ying trusted that nothing would be left to chance, if he was involved.

When they reached the oak trees at the bottom of the mountain, he refused to let anyone else pick her up. He held her tightly, close to his chest and walked up that now familiar path to his grandmother's cave.

The Grandmaster prepared different ingredients and poured measurements into the large metal tub.

"Now I need you to wait outside." She told him.

He couldn't help himself and hugged her. There was no need for words.


Lan Zhan made him lie down under the peach tree and brought out Wangji. He began playing their song softly, gently, and as the notes floated around them like petals on a breeze, Wei Ying closed his eyes, soothed. As his mind rested, calmness claimed his every pore  and he drifted into peaceful slumber.

When he opened his eyes, his grandmother was standing over him. He scrambled up, impatiently waiting for her to speak.

"She's resting now. You may come inside."

True enough, her face was cleared of the anxiousness he'd felt from before. His grandmother had dressed her in warm robes, a blanket covering her small frame. He sat next to her and held her hand.

"Won't you wake up now, little rabbit? You're home now, and I...I really want to talk to you. I have so much to tell you..." Wei Ying continued to speak gently, hoping she could hear him. Lan Zhan wiped his face from time to time.

"Immortal one, I have a suggestion." A welcome voice said behind them.

Wei Ying saw Hui Gai bowing to his grandmother.

"With your permission, I can talk to her. I can visit her mind through a dream." He smiled his toothy smile. "I can change my appearance, if you think she may be frightened."

"Since when?" Wei Ying's curiosity won, but he held on to the hand in his.

"I have been... experimenting." Hui Gai bowed to him too. "Master Wei."

"What do you think, Grandmother? Is it safe?" He valued her opinion above all others.

"Do you trust him?" She fired back.

"Yes." He responded immediately.

"Then let's try."

For the first time, Wei Ying could see the strain on her face, how she hid the fear that this child may not recover completely. And the longer she remained in this strange coma, the harder it would become to treat her.

Hui Gai bowed once more before vanishing.

Wei Ying looked at the little girl. "Don't worry, little rabbit. We are coming to help you."

He hoped his words could reach her.

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