Knock, knock.

"What?!" I almost yell at whoever is in front of my door. "It's me Mr. grumpy pants" Lucas replies cheerfully. I just let out a short "come in" before he enters the room.

"Who made you this angry so early in the morning?" he chuckles. 

Unlike me, he seems to have a good day. A smile plastered on his face, happiness radiating from him. He looks ready for the day.

How can someone be so full of energy this early in the morning?

"Guess" is all I say to him before grabbing my suit jacket and closing the button in the middle. "Your daddy?" Lucas laughs and I glare at him. I cross my arms waiting for him to calm down and he finally does. "Oh sorry, I forgot you are the one who likes to be called like that" he laughs again but soon stops at the expression on my face.

"Shut up before you end up like my tie on the floor" I warn but see amusement in his eyes. "Alright, I don't mind. You know I like it rough" he laughs and starts running out of my room as I lounge after him.

I stop in my tracks when I see him in the hallway talking to Aria. She smiles at him as she greets him shyly. I walk up towards them, putting my hands in the pockets of my black dress pants.

"What the hell were you doing in my room last night?" I interrupt them not caring about their conversation which I already know consists of flirting from Lucas. I look at her, my eyes narrow, and see the smile she had is long gone now.

"W-what do you mean?" she asks quietly, confusion written all over her face but I know it's all an act.

"Stop fucking stuttering and answer my damn question," I tell her sharply. She looks down and plays with her fingers, probably a habit she has when she is nervous but I don't care about that now. "Dude chill, what's got into you?" Lucas frowns at me but I ignore him and keep my eyes on Aria.

"Are you going to fucking answer me or you're just gonna stare at the floor? Huh?" I raise my voice and see her flinch a little before she looks at me, her eyes widened as if she doesn't know what I'm talking about or why am I doing this.

To be honest, even I don't know why I'm yelling at her right now and I can't help but feel guilty when I see her eyes watering while she's trying to keep eye contact. I sigh not knowing why I'm lashing my anger out on her when I should do that towards my father since he is the one that put me in this mood, but I can't stop for some reason.

"Lorenzo sto-" Lucas tries to calm me down but it's not working.

"Shut the hell up and mind your own business. Go downstairs and wait for me there" I interrupt him, not looking at him but keeping my eyes on her. I hear him sigh before he listens and does what I told him to do.

"Why were you sleeping in my room last night? Huh? And above all dressed like that. Were you trying to seduce me or something? You want my attention. Is that it?" I angrily ask while stepping towards her. I see her gulp and take a step back while trying not to cry in front of me.

I don't know why I'm saying the stuff I'm saying. I know she probably isn't like that but she was there, in my room when I told her she is only allowed to be in her own room.

"I-I didn't sleep t-there. I woke up in m-my room. I don't know w-what you're talking about" she almost whispers confusion still showering her face. "And I'm not like that" she continues referring to the seduction part. I chuckle lowly and scratch my short stubble before speaking again.

"Then why were you in my bed, tesoro?" -(sweetheart). I ask but she just looks at me.

"I-I don't know" she quietly answers and I heave I sigh. "You don't know? Really now?" I chuckle and shake my head. I don't have the whole day for this. "Stay out of my room. Do you understand?!" I say harshly and point my finger at her. She quickly nods, some tears falling down her cheeks now.

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