[1] Sometimes you just have to wait for fate to make its move

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A burst of wind blows around my hair and I hear him before I actually see him.

"You know that was a terrible attempt at sneaking up on me, right?" I smile and turn, seeing Peter standing in front of me with a goofy grin.

"You don't play fair," he fakes a pout.

I laugh, "hey it's not my fault you're so goddamn loud."

"Yeah, and it's not like I can control the volume of my thoughts." He shoots back, appearing on the other side of me.

"So," I trail off. "Your mom busted you for the whole Pop Rocks inside of the Ding Dongs thing?"

"Hey! Get out of my head," he smiles.

I watch the yellow school bus approach us. "I wish I could."

Peter's smile slightly wavers before he puts it right back on. "Hey Jude? Really?"

"Yes, Hey Jude." I smirk. "We can't all own half of Pink Floyd's songs, Pete."

"I don't own half...maybe a quarter." He says.

I shake my head. "When are you gonna start lending out your cassettes again?"

"Maybe when you learn how to take better care of them." He jokes. "You always kill them within a week."

"What can I say? Your songs speak to me." I tease right as the bus comes to a stop in front of us.

I look up at the large vehicle and take in a heavy breath.

Peter wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Hey, it's gonna be okay, alright? Don't worry."

"Y-yeah...alright." I shakily respond.

With that the doors fly open and I physically stiffen. Peter's thoughts are nothing compared to normal peoples. At least his make sense. They're steady, easy to read. The ones currently running through my mind? They're just broken, muffled. Like I'm both underwater and in the air all at the same time. I force myself to step aboard.

'God, Frankies such a loser.' A brunette girl with a lot of makeup on thinks. 'His brother is really hot though, so...'

I push myself out of her head, I don't want to spend another second in there.

'I wish Jesica would notice me. Maybe it's because I'm so fat and hideous looking? I swear, no one wants to be my friend.'

I send the blonde girl in front of me a small smile. The worst part of hearing people's thoughts is seeing how they think of themselves. This kid isn't fat at all, really the opposite actually. She could probably be a model in one of those teen magazines.

"I-" The jumble of thoughts makes it hard for me to concentrate on my own. "You look really nice today."

The girl sends me an awkward look. "Um, thanks, I guess."

I look over her one more time before I follow Peter and shuffle to the back of the bus.

As more people get on board, the noise grows louder and louder. Eventually I let out a groan and my hands find their way to my head.

"Estelle-what's-okay?" Peter's voice filters in and out of my ears.

"Stop...stop talking." I murmur, in between the searing pain.

"Elle?" He asks again, and reaches for my hand.

I instantly scoot away in fear. "Don't touch me."

He opens his mouth to say something else but seems to decide against it. I can't wait for the day to end, for the moment I can push past all of this chaos.

Indigo//X-Men daughter storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora