Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

Korra, of course, gets up and let's Asami put it on. She liked how Asami was gentle and cautious, treating her as if she's glass. Asami also replaced the bandaids and asked her about that too which she said were results from her and her cousin roughhousing.

'This is the worst lie I ever told. If Asami knew Desna she would know I'm lying. If Desna smiled or laughed i'd probably have a heartattack let alone rough house with me. The only time he would do that if his intent was to kill me.'

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I can skip a day." Asami says as she puts on her shoes. "No there's no need. I still have vacation time so I'll be fine." She says. "Okay, I'm going to let the group know youre here. Is that alright?" "Yeah can you let them know about my phone so they don't think I'm ignoring them?" Asami nodded her head. "Alright I better be heading out. Take the time that you need, I'll see you later alright?" Korra nodded and she gave her a peck before leaving.

When Asami left Korra put on her hoodie and decided to "borrow" one of Asami's pants. Lu offered to make her breakfast and they both sat and conversated as she ate. Once she finished she left to go straight to Wan's to retrieve her dog. The walk was nice, she liked the feel of the breeze and the sounds of the city.

Once she came towards Wan's house she could see Naga from the window. She smiled and walked faster and knocked. it took way longer to open the door than Korra wanted since she was eager to see her dog. Once the door opened she saw a messied hair Rina in a oversized shirt. "Hey Korra. You're a early bird." She says with a slight blush on her face. Korra nodded and was greeted by a excited dog.

When Wan came down from upstair her suspicions were confirmed. He made eye contact with her and turned bright red. Korra walked inside and bee-lined towards him. "If my child witnessed what you did or has nightmares I will kick your ass understand." She says threatingly. Wan nodded and she pulled a smile and shared her goodbyes before walking with Naga.

"I'm sorry I left you alone with those horny people please forgive me." She says to Naga. Naga just barked in response. "let's go to the skate park today. it's nice out. I can buy you a puppy icecrem from the ice-cream stand by the park. So the morning I get the skate park then you get the park. deal?" Naga sticks out her tongue wagging her tail happily. Once they get "home" Korra grabbed everything she needed and let Naga do her business the headed to the skate park.

She loves skateboarding with Naga. She stands on it while Naga runs. Since she's on her leash it makes Korra go fast. Once they're at the skate park Naga tries to bite Korra's feet as she's on the board. Or she'll chase after her. Korra sat on the board and had Naga sit on it with her, though since Naga is a big dog she was halfly sitting on Korra. She pushed the board down a small hill laughing and holding onto Naga as they went down.

Once it hit around noon and more people started coming Korra left the skate park to go to a real park. She let Naga go off the leash and she watched as her giant furball zoomed around. She sat on a swing eating her granola bar Lu insited she took before she left. She sighs as she looks around.

'Is this what its like to be a normal teenager in highschool living a normal life? No illegal fights, not being homeless, your life threatened, beat when you loose, being used, not even loved anymore. It's sad I can't really remember much of when I lived with my parents. Just some things but not much.

I was homeshooled and my father did have me fight but it was a controlled sport. Not illegal. He would be disappointed in me. My mom would too though she might beat Unalaq with a rolling pin, or a spoon. Or maybe a pan. She's not a violent person but if you get on her bad side she can be.

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