At least he was getting human interaction here.

So maybe, he could stay for a bit.

Tommy grabbed onto the paper, his jaw slightly dropping as he read over it.

It was not what he was expecting.

At all.

It was a missing poster, but nowhere on the poster did it say that they were looking for "Tommy." It just had different variations of "Prince" on it.

It made him wonder, did his father even know his name?

There were pictures on the poster of Tommy, and under that, it said:

"Emperor Philza has set out a missing request for the Heir to the Throne."

He scanned the document, then scanned it again.

Nowhere did it say that his father wanted him back, because he loved him. Just because the kingdom "needed an heir."


"Sounds about right," Tommy nodded, handing back the poster and ignoring how hurt he felt. "You know, there's a pretty big bounty on me. You could just return me, and I won't mention a thing about you kidnapping me. You will get the money, I get to go back to the castle. Sounds like a win-win, doesn't it?" 

But the man just shook his head.

"Why don't you call the castle your home?" the man asked instead.

Tommy was taken aback, yet again.

This man was full of surprises.

"What do you mean by that?" Tommy asked unsurely.

"Well, I was just wondering," he started with a grin. "Every time you mention going back, you say the castle, and not home. Does the castle not feel like home to you?"

Tommy scrunched his face, confused. "Are you kidnapping me or interviewing me?"

The man shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno kid, I just thought that you didn't feel happy there. Like from what I've understood, you aren't allowed to go outside, and you aren't allowed to do anything fun. It appears your so-called father doesn't care about you either."

"Where are you going with this?" Tommy asked unsurely.

"Why don't you stay here?"

Tommy laughed out loud, before realizing the man was serious. "You want me, the person you kidnapped, to stay with you and whatever this huge high-tech building is?"

"Well, it's either that or I kill you I guess," the man said nonchalantly.

Tommy's jaw dropped.

"Hey- hey man, we don't have to go ther-"

Tommy was cut off by a gun.

The man flat out pulled a gun, out of his pocket.

A gun.

Tommy was going to faint.

"Why do you just have a gun on you?" Tommy asked nervously.

The man stared at him incredulously. "Come on kid, use your brain. I'm an assassin, this building, packed to the brim with fellow assassins."

Tommy's eyes widened. "You want me, Prince of the Antarctic Empire, to stay at an assassin organization?"

What the hell did he get into?

But then again, the kid in him also was excited.

Murder! Pogchamp!

 "You know, if you decline, we can just kill you, here and now," the man added quickly.

Tommy thought over it.

Then scolded himself for actually thinking over it.

Then thought over it again.

"Come onnnn," the man whined. "Think about the revenge you can get at your family, who shielded you from so much in the house. Do you think your father actually cares about you? Sorry to break it to you, but he doesn't. He cares about his country more than you. He's a good king, but a bad father."

Tommy nodded, but he knew that.

He'd already came to terms that his father didn't care about him, but that was okay, right?

He'd be happier at home, right?

The man realized he wasn't getting into the child's brain.

With a sigh, he shrugged. "Well, if you had said yes, I was going to introduce you to two kids we have here, you know around your age. I'm sure they'd have loved to be friends with you."

When Tommy's eyes slightly widened, the man smirked.

"Just say yes, kid. It's either that or death. I can assure you, you'd like your stay much more here, than you would like living at the castle."

Tommy pursed his lips.

Before he opened his mouth, in an attempt to argue.

Yes, arguing with an assassin wouldn't be smart, but he was already in a pickle, so why not try to make it better for himself?

"How about this?" Tommy offered, spiking the man's interest.

"How about what?" he asked, with a sly smile.

"How about I say yes, but if I decide I liked living at the castle better, you take me back there, and we forget this ever happened. You get the bounty for finding me, and I get to go home."

The man looked like he was thinking over it.

Then he stared Tommy dead in the eyes.

"Welcome to the academy then, Prince."

Tommy felt some sort of victorious. Now he could just say he didn't like living here and go back to the castl- to his home, where it was safe.


⊱⊱ ── {◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦} ── ⊰⊰

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