an inferno of ice blue flames

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WOW we are SO close to 3k!!!! Thank you all so much for this!!! I know I updated twice yesterday, but after your reactions to the first chapter, I couldn't stand leaving you like that!! I hope you're all having a great time reading this!!!

Any ideas for upcoming chapters? I do have a spicy one planned ;) (although I cannot promise it'll be good quality lol)

Asterin POV

Maeve had just plunged a dagger through my chest for the second time when I felt it. The drug. The control the drug had over me had shattered. Maeve was too occupied to sense the shift, but my carranam did. He looked to me wide eyed, before grinning. I smirked before looking up to Maeve. Her gaze caught on mine.

I released my power.

It exploded throughout the room, an inferno of ice blue flames. They climbed the walls and shot across the floor. The temperature plummeted. Maeve looked to me wide eyed, panicking slightly. I stood up and I knew there was fire dancing in my eyes, a look that promised death.

Maeve seemed to regain control because she ordered Nyx forward. I did not allow the flames to touch her or the males. The guards however... Their screams were rather loud. Nyx and Ash stalked over but they did not join Maeve. They came to either side of me. My flame burned three matching crowns atop our heads. 

"you cannot ever hope to win against me, girl" the valg queen snarled, her own power pushing against my flames. My fire did not give an inch. I smirked at her, my own blood still dripping to the floor from the wounds she'd inflicted to me. "you may burn me, but you will never kill me" she drawled, reclaiming some of the sense of power. "oh we will kill you" Ash says, grinning manically. Maeve merely laughed "go ahead, burn this body." she purrs to me "but I can kill your little friends over there, here and now" 

It was my turn to laugh "go on. Kill your blood sworn. See what happens" I challenge, my flames still burning intently. Maeve laughs, under the impression that I am bluffing. "kill each other" she orders to Ash and Nyx. They both stand resolutely at my side, unmoving and smirking at Maeve. The valg queen snarls at them "what did you do?" she hisses at me. I smirk and show her both my wrists, a jagged scar across each. A scar that had opened my flesh to allow blood to flow to another. Blood that had sealed an oath. 

Realisation dawned on Maeve and she let out a sound that could have been a scream. "no matter" she hisses, darkness building behind her "I will just kill you all myself" I chuckle as I feel Ash slide a dagger into my palm. Before Maeve can act, I cut open my palm, watching Nyx do the same and press mine to his. 

Powers twist and combine, mixing. The flames in the room burned the colour of night. Maeve stands at the centre of the room, snarling and brandishing a sword. She lunges for us and I drop the shield. Nyx takes that as his queue to go for Mave's mind, releasing my palm. Hopefully our little display and her current insatiable anger will distract Maeve from realising Nyx is breaking down her mental shields. Two swords I instantly recognise appear in my hands, courtesy of Nyx. The fluttering silver ribbon catches my eye and I grin as Maeve lunges for me.

Maeve had a right to the stories told about her. She was worse than Bryaxis. My body was weak, drained from the seemingly never ending days of agony at her hand. Ash and Nyx however were both in relatively good condition. Ash was taking most of Maeve's attacks to allow Nyx time to break past her shields. Maeve screeched in anger as I deflected another of her blows, the force nearly knocking me back. 

She snarled and turned to Ash. I was not quick enough to see it coming. I was not quick enough to stop it. She lunged with her sword and as Ash defended himself, a bolt of power struck him to the stomach, sending him flying into the nearest wall where he slumped to the floor and did not move. I screamed in pain and rage and lunged for Maeve once again, swords burning. "you" I gasp, deflecting another blow "will. never. hurt. my. family. again!" I growl, attacking with new found strength and will power.

I heard a shout from Nyx. That was all I needed. I lunged for him. Maeve realised what was about to happen. I grabbed hold of Nyx's hand, my blood mixing with his. Shadow flame exploded. I pushed the flames to burn an impenetrable barrier around Maeve. I heard a groan and whirled around to see Ash pull himself to his feet, clutching his bleeding stomach and staggering over to us. The use of power and the injuries were draining me. I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to sleep so badly. But I couldn't. 

I would do this. For my mate. I took a step towards her. For my carranam. I was in front of her. For my family. I lifted my sword. For the night court. Flame burned down the blade. For my court. I raised a second burning sword. For my kingdom. I crossed them over at her neck, those beautiful features twisted in a snarl. She knew. She knew this was it. For my people. I killed Maeve.

I stood there, flaming blades in either hand, looking at the now burning body of Maeve. "please tell me she's dead" Ash whispered. Nyx nods grimly "yes, she tried to do the same as last time, but I stopped her" he replies, gazing at the burning remains. "thank the gods" I mutter "now let's destroy this damned place and get the hell out of here"

I take Nyx's hand, the power meeting and mixing together. His power surged to meet mine and together we released it. We let it roam through this damn place, spreading and destroying everything. Every last inch and every last demon. The ground shook slightly. Leaning onto Nyx, I drew the wyrdmarks with my foot using a puddle of my own blood. Chunks of rock began to rain down. Nyx took my arm to support me, my muscles were shaking so badly I could barely stand.

As we stepped onto the marks, the world flashed brightly and disappeared. The next thing I knew was the repulsive black stone had changed into the throne room of Terrasen. I saw my father run forwards, eyes wide. I fell to my knees, and I was out cold before my head could hit the ground.

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