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HELLO EVERYONE!!! First of all, thank you all so much for 4.4k that is incredible!!!! Interesting story, I actually wrote a lot of this after I finished reading ACOSF because the throne of glass crossover was confirmed and I'd only recently finished Kingdom of Ash (which emotionally destroyed me) and I just couldn't get over it so I read quite a few fanfics and then wrote my own because once I get an idea in my head, I have to write it down. But, I wanted to read it but I couldn't access my drafts on my phone, so I published it so I could read it myself and then all of a sudden, people started reading it and here we are 3 weeks later with 4.4K!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

this chapter is very short sorry, but next chapter should be a spice chapter as requested by MariekeSky (for some reason it won't let me tag you properly)


Asterin POV

"You can do nothing" Maeve hissed "nothing!" I struggled against the chains holding me but they did not give. I could not call on my magic, no matter how hard I tried. Panic seeped through me, cold and deadly. "Its pointless trying to fight" she says, moving around so she's in front of me. She takes my chin with a gloved hand and pulls it up, forcing me to look at her. "I hold all the cards" she purrs, releasing me. Ash appears in front of me, chained and beaten, blood soaking him. "Ash!" I scream, struggling even more. Maeve walks up behind him, a knife in one hand. I scream his name over and over but he does not even look at me, he just continues staring at Maeve.

Maeve slots his throat and I scream louder than ever. The pain from the bond blinds me. His body is sprawled on the floor. No. No. No, no, no. Tears slide down my face as I continue screaming for him, trying to reach him with all my strength. A moment later Nyx appears, Maeve smirking manically. Nyx doesn't look at me either. A new kind of pain rips through me as his body falls to the ground, blood seeping from his neck. I scream and scream and scream. There's blood in my mouth, my throat is bleeding, and yet I keep screaming both their names...

"Asterin" a voice yells. That's my mate... but my mate is dead? I jerk back to reality, my eyes snapping open. Ash is above me, pinning me to the bed by my wrists. My throat feels raw. My mate looks worried, hazing down at me, looking for any sign of injury. He rolls off me, pulling me close to him, running a hand through my hair whispering "its alright. Its just a dream" a body presses to my front and I open my eyes to find Nyx there. "I'm sorry" I whisper, "I didn't mean to wake you" he smiles and strokes my jaw lightly "never apologise" he says. "You were screaming" says Ash from behind me, a hand still running through my hair. "You were screaming and writhing, struggling against something. I had to pin you down to stop you hurting yourself, so sorry about that" I sigh and close my eyes "I had a nightmare. You died. It just felt.... real. Before, it was easy to tell the fake from the real, but now.... the worst has happened... but it can always get so much worse" I say, quietly. I open my eyes "and don't apologise for pinning me down, I should apologise to you" Ash chuckles slightly, his calloused fingers still winding through my hair.

"Plus" I continue, opening my eyes "its not like I hate being pinned down" I say the challenge in the words causing Nyx's and Ash's eyes to darken.

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