I think the passers by are thankful the waterfall is rather loud

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Asterin POV

He's kissing me. It shocks me. It's soft and tentative as if he's not sure of himself. He pulls away and looks at me, concerned. I laugh and pull him to me, kissing him deeply. He quickly kisses me back and for a moment, nothing else seems to matter. Suddenly, it hits me with full force to the chest. It's so powerful I fall to my knees, pulling ash down with me. My eyes widen and i freeze. Ash does as well. He pulls away slowly and meets my gaze. 

I can feel it. A string. A link between us. A bond. A mating bond.

He's my mate. Ash is my mate.

I repeat the words over and over again. My mate, my mate, my mate...

"mates" I whisper, so quietly no mortal would hear. "mates" Ash whispers back, equally as quietly. We face each other, kneeling on the floor. I smile then "your my mate" I whisper "and you are mine" he whispers back, smiling.


She's my mate. I'm not even sure how that's possible but she's my mate. I can feel the bond between us. Her beautiful turquoise and gold rimmed eyes meet my own. "I am yours and you are mine" she whispers "you are mine and I am yours" I reply. I grin and she grins back and I pull her back and kiss her. It's like the universe disappeared and reformed in a single moment. I pull away, resting my brow against hers.

We stay there, eyes closed, enjoying the moment. She's my mate. I repeat it over and over. You know, in our world, it's traditional for one to make food and the other to eat it in order to accept the bond I say down the link between our minds Yeah, well I'm a terrible cook and I doubt you're much better. Plus, in my world, we don't really have traditions in accepting it, apart from a very obvious one. 
That does tend to come later
Is that a promise?
Then let's go somewhere else. I'm not sure in the entrance hall to the house is a very good idea.

I chuckle at that.

I stand up and offer her my hand. She accepts it and I help to pull her to her feet. I lead her outside and she allows me to scoop her into my arms. I launch into the air, savouring her laugh as we rise higher and higher. 

Asterin POV

He takes us to the waterfall as that seems to be as far as his self restraint can stretch. Already soaking from the rain, he lands and before my feet can even touch the ground, he's pushing me against the nearest tree, kissing me fiercely, pulling his shirt over his head. I take a moment to admire his chiselled features. He's a complete work of art. I run a hand over his muscles and he watches me curiously, his hands either side of my head. He grows impatient after a moment and goes back to kissing me, using one hand to slip under my shirt.

He looks to me questioningly, ever the gentleman. "go ahead" I laugh. That's all he needs to hear, pulling it over my head and discarding it on top of his. He looks me over admiringly before picking me up and carrying me over to a large rock at the edge of the waterfall. We're both soaked, our hair dripping, as he lays me down and gives me a feral grin. 

It was safe to say that it was one of the best moments of my life and, laying by the edge, my head in his chest and clutched in his arms with both of us completely naked, soaking and panting slightly with one of his wings draped over us, I don't particularly want it to end. He kisses my brow and I close my eyes and smile. He pulls my head into his chest, my flames keeping us warm. No matter how hard I try, my mind wanders back to the question plaguing me. I come from a whole different world. How can this ever work? Even if I ever find a way back, would I go? If my parents found me, would I go back with them? What if I had to choose between my home, my family and my kingdom or my mate and the second family I made here? Could I choose?

I push the thoughts out my mind and focus on the rhythmic feel of Ash's breathing. Sleep takes me quickly, having exhausted myself from the blood rite, the healing and now Ash. When I wake up, it's dawn. The blood rite really messed up my sleep schedule. Ash's breath is warm on my neck "morning darling" he says and I smile, twisting to face him "good morning you overgrown bat" "you're really going to have to come up with new nicknames for us" he replies, chuckling. I frown "I know, I have an arsenal stocked up but that one happens to be my favourite"
"good to know that if we end up spending eternity together it certainly won't be dull"
"oh, I don't know, eternity is a long time" I challenge and his eyes darken.

An hour later we've finally finished and I run a hand through his dark hair "you know, as much as I'd love to stay out here forever, we have to go back at some point" I say and Ash groans "we don't have to do anything" I laugh at that "Magda wants to check on my injury today before the rest of the Illyrians come back. She doesn't seem like the kind of woman I want cross" Ash just groans again "fine, but if anyone else so much as looks at you I will gut them" I roll my eyes "territorial fae bastard" I mutter "you can't kill everyone for looking at me" I say and his eyes narrow "I damn well can" I laugh "no, learn some self control. If we have to spend our immortality together, you're going to have to learn some self restraint" Ash grumbles about something but quickly finds a very interesting way to make himself happier and half an hour later, we manage to change into our clothes and fly back to Velaris. 

I dry us off as we fly. How's it going? Az said Magda wanted to see you today, how did that go down with your mate? Rhysand asks into my mind
Well, he's not impressed, but I found a way to make it up to him.
Rhys laughs I can imagine.
Probably best you don't. Anyways, could you and Cass take him to the training ring? He's gonna need it.
I thought he might. Yes, we will.
He's rather wound up. You might need Az too.

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