the grey woman knows all

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Asterin POV

When we've finished eating, Feyre shows me to my room. It's decorated beautifully and when I ask Feyre tells me she chose everything herself. Apparently, she designed the whole place. There are beautiful floor to ceiling windows looking over the Sidra. Its unlike any river I've ever seen before. It mesmerises me. I feel like I could stare at it forever. However, I really haven't got the energy to appreciate anything right now. I just want to go to sleep. 

The moment my head hits the pillow i close my eyes. 

I'm awoken to the sound of knocking on my door. I bolt upright when I don't recognise the room. It takes me a moment to remember everything that happened yesterday. I gradually relax. "Asterin?" It's Nyx. "yeah?" I call back, glancing around the room. "my mother wanted me to tell you that there's clothes in the drawer for you" I slip over to the drawers and open one. It's filled with tops and jackets, most of them in dark colours. It's perfect - I love dark colours. "thanks" I call back. I select a long sleeved black top and black leggings to go with it. A lot of my hair has managed to escape my braid so I re do it into a simple plait to keep it out the way.

I check my blades to make sure they are all there and sheathed correctly. I have on on the inside of each wrist with a trigger mechanism that releases the blade into my hand when I activate it and two sheathed at my ankles for an easy reach if needed. 

Nyx is standing across the hall, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. "good morning princess" he says, smirking. I have a low self restraint when I wake up, and it's taking most of my effort not to punch him right now "do not call me princess" I snarl and he laughs "why? does it bother you, princess?" Okay, screw self restraint. I flick my wrist and slam him into the wall, pressing the blade to his throat "yes, it does" I say, quietly "let me give you a little tip, heir to the night court" I say, pressing the blade in further slightly, but not enough to draw blood "do not mess with me when I have just woken up and especially not when I haven't eaten. It won't end well for you"

Nyx just smirks at me, not even struggling. "well, this is different" says an amused voice form down the corridor. Cassian stands there, smirking at the two of us. I flash him a smile "sorry Cassian, I'll be done in a minute" Cassian just laughs. "I hope whatever you have planned is good" says Nyx and I roll my eyes "I mean, I know I'm handsome, but I expected you to last a little longer before pinning to me a wall" he continues, flashing me a mischievous smirk.  I flash him a grin that's sent full grown men running and lean down to whisper in his ear "Nyx darling, if I want you, you'll never know until it drives you insane. I'd have you on the floor, begging before I even looked at you with intent" I press the blade in slightly further "and as for pinning you against the wall, if I were to do it with any other intention than slitting your throat, you'd have to have earned it" I pull away from him, flicking the blade up my sleeve. 

He pushes himself of the wall, clearly taken aback, but he quickly gathers himself and smirks at me "we'll see princess" he mutters, walking towards Cassian who is now grinning. I roll my eyes "You'd better show me where the food is before I stab him" I say to the Illyrian who laughs. 


Jesus Christ, that was hot as fuck. She really is something. Ash I call into his mind. Yes?
I think I'm winning.
At what?
I send him my memory of what just happened.
God above Nyx
I know
She doesn't mess around, does she? I bet she would have slit your throat
I know. Somehow that just makes it even better.
I can hear his laughter. 

Asterin sits between Feyre and Azriel again and I sit next to Ash, who throws me a very amused look before switching his gaze to Asterin. Both my mother and father look very amused at something. It was Azriel who asked "Did you really just pin Nyx to a wall and hold a knife to his throat?" Asterin looks amused "yep. He was asking for it though" she catches my gaze and smirks.

I bet you enjoyed that came my father's voice into my mind. It's a good way to start a morning I reply. I'm sure it is. "How exactly did I ask for that?" I say to Asterin, smirking at her. "you know exactly how" she says, flashing me a grin that reminds me of a predator looking at it's prey. At that moment, Amren walks into the room, dressed in her usual grey. I can see Feyre and Rhys tense ever so slightly. "At least the girl's got guts" Amren remarks, looking to Asterin. Asterin catches her gaze and stares right back.

"Asterin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius" Amren says, quietly. Asterin raises her eyebrows slightly. So that's her full name... maybe I could use it next time she holds a knife to my throat. "descendant of Mala fire bringer" Amren continues, examining Asterin as if she were her next meal. Asterin doesn't even flinch, just smirks at her and nods in confirmation. Who's Mala Fire bringer? "the daughter of Aelin Galathynius and Rowan Whitethorn" that must be her parents. "your mother managed to defeat Maeve, slay the Gods and helped in the defeat of Erawan and his Valg... I wonder what you can achieve?" Amren says, thinking out loud.

"how do you know?" Asterin asks, her voice showing not a trace of fear. "I knew many things of many worlds when I not fully fae. When the cauldron re made me, I lost that ability. But in my re birth, I saw the future of many worlds. Yours included." I wonder if Amren had shared that particular piece of information with my father? "how far into the future?" Asterin asks "Only up until your birth" she says, picking at her nails. Asterin seems to think for a moment "I'm guessing you don't know how to cross worlds however?" "No. The only beings I know that are able to world walk like you did, was Maeve." Who was this Maeve they kept mentioning?

"does someone want to fill us in?" my mother asks, looking between the two. Between them, Asterin and Amren tell us a story of kings and lost queens, wyrdgates and keys, Valg and monsters. I am slightly overwhelmed by the amount of information I have just been presented with. I can see the others are too. When they finish, we sit in silence for a moment, letting it all sink in. Eventually, Cassian breaks the silence "That's some story. It doesn't change the fact we're supposed to be training though" he grins at us "I'll see you in the ring in half an hour"

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