Me and Beth arrived at the airport and quickly ran in. Luckily we had set off before the lads and we managed to mingle with the other fans at the airport. Me and Beth sat down on some chairs when three girls walked up to us. "Hey, aren't you Monica and Beth who are friends with The Wanted and Poppy Jay's girlfriend?" One of them asked and we nodded. "Sorry, my name is Becky." She smiled.

"Hey Becky and yeah we are," Beth told them.

"I don't suppose you know how long the lads will be will you? It's just Zoey's mum is picking us up in an hour and we don't want to miss the lads." Becky told us pointing to one of her friends who I guessed was Zoey.

"I think they're on their way now actually, well Poppy has just said bye to Jay so they should be here in the next-" I started but I was interupted by screaming and I looked over and saw The Wanted stood there. Soon Becky, Zoey and their other friend were gone. Me and Beth walked over to the big crowd but we stayed at the back. The first lad we bumped into was Tom. "Hey Tom," I told him.

"Monica? Beth? What are you two doing here? I thought you were at the hotel still?" He asked a little confused.

"I just came here to suprise someone," I winked and I think he knew who I was on about.

"Haha, well I think you should go to the other lads before you go to him." Tom told me obviously meaning 'him' as in Nathan.

"Okay, well you ought to get back to your fans you haven't met before and we'll go and find the other lads. Have fun in America though." Beth told him and gave him a hug and I then gave Tom a hug and me and Beth went off to find the next lad. On our way to finding one of the lads me and Beth got split up. I was looking for Beth when Nathan saw me. I just quickly hid behind some girls until he looked away. I was walking round when I saw Beth I walked over to her. "Beth, I thought I lost you," I laughed.

"I though I lost you too," She laughed.

"I need to go to the loo quickly, the lads are gonna be here for at least an 1 hour and a half so we have plenty of time and things." I told her.

"Okay, I'll come with you to the loo because I don't want to be left here awkwardly alone." SHe laughed and we both started walking to the loo when I saw HER. I saw bloody Alice. You know the one in that gang. The one that took a photo of her and Nathan kissing. The one I had a fight with after college? She saw me and obviously walked into me.

"Do you mind?" I asked and she turned around and looked at me.

"No not really," She laughed.

"Well next time please use your eyes when you're walking." I mumbled.

"Stop mumbling and it's because your invisible and no one actually loves you so you can't be seen." She cackled.

"People do love me though." I told her.

"Don't even say your mum, Beth or even fucking Poppy." She told me.

"No I was going to say Nathan Syk-" But then I was stopped by her laughing. I didn't know if Nathan loved me yet or not, he hasn't said those 2 words yet 'I love you' but I hope he does love me because I love him and I was going to tell him today before he went.

"You were just about to say Nathan Sykes loves you?" She laughed. "He's the last person to love you. He's well out of your league." She laughed again.

"Well he's not exactly in yours." I mumbled again.

"Well he obviously is in my league because he bloody kissed me and didn't pull away." She winked while laughing still.

"That doesn't mean anything." I snarled.

Strengths and Weaknesses - Nathan Sykes FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora