Chapter 6

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I received a text from my mum.

-From Mum

Where are you darling? It’s about 1am & you’re not at home. Very worried x-

-To Mum

I forgot to tell you but I went to see The Wanted in concert tonight & I’m still here x-

-From Mum

Ok, when do you want me to pick you up?x-

“Nathan, my mum is wondering where I am so I’ve gotta go.” I told him.

“Awww, that’s a shame, I would love you to stay a little longer.” He said.

“I’m afraid I can’t because it is 1am and I am getting a tad tired.” I said.

“Aw ok, would you like me to show you out?” He asked.

“If you want to, my mum still has to drive here yet though. So I’ve still got roughly about 15 minutes to spare.” I explained.

“Ok, well if I finish my drink I’ll walk you down to the same door again and say goodbye but fans will be out, outside so I won’t be able to go out, outside if that makes sense.” He laughed.

“Yeah that’s fine.” I told him. He finished his drink and we walked to the same door. We reached the door. “Whenever I come to another concert here I’ll look at this door and think this is where I said bye to you at the end of the concert.” I smiled.

“I’m sure this won’t be the last we see of each other.” He smiled.

“I hope it won’t.” I smiled back. I gave him a hug and then my phone went off.

-From Mum

Here darling. In the main part of the building x-

“Nathan, I’ve gotta go.” I sighed.

“Well, see you soon. Maybe we should meet up after the tour is finished?” He asked.

“Yeah I’d love that.” I smiled.

“Ok, I’ll call you or text you soon babe.” He said and kissed my cheek. He just called me babe!

“Ok, I’ll keep my phone close to me then.” I laughed and gave him a hug. “I must be going now.” I said and opened the door. I waved by to Nathan and walked over to my mum. “Hey mum.” I smiled.

“Where did you come from?” She asked.

“From that door over there” I told her and pointed to it.

“Why did you come from there?” She asked really confused.

“I was talking to Nathan.” I smiled.

“Really or are you messing with me?” She asked.

“Look at the photos and he sang to me in the concert. I have a video and he has followed me and tweeted me on twitter and I have his number.” I said quietly so none of the few fans left heard.

“Awww, I believe you. Show me in the car though.” She said. We walked outside and there were loads of scream and I saw Nathan briefly and smiled at him and he smiled back and went back to talking to the fans. I got in the car with my mum and I showed her the photos and video and things. “You’ve got to send me those photos of you and Nathan together so I can put them on my Facebook.” She smiled.

“I’ll send them via bluetooth now.” I smiled and sorted it all out and sent the photos.

“Could you send them on my facebook page as well?” She asked. Luckily my mum has an iPhone as well so I know how to use it. I opened up Facebook and made a new album called ‘When my daughter went to The Wanted concert.’ A little long but who cares. I added all the photos of me and Nathan on Facebook. “They are all uploaded now.” I smiled.

“Thanks Monica. I’m so happy for you.” She smiled and then we got home. I unlocked the door and there was a letter there with my name on it. I picked it up and opened it.

-To Monica

This is from Danielle & Beth. We would like to say that we would not like to be friends with you anymore because of what you told Beth. We thought you liked us and not flip out on us. Mind you ever since you have became seriously obsessed with that band The Wanted our friendship with you died sorry but we just don’t want to be friends with you anymore.

Much Love Danielle and Beth.-

I looked at the letter. Ok, erm. Wow, they just told me they don’t wanna be friends with me anymore. Hmmm...I think I’m taking this pretty well if I’m honest. I said night to my mum and went upstairs. I opened my laptop and uploaded all the photos from tonight from my camera and phone onto it. I then opened up Facebook and posted.

-Met The Wanted tonight & had a good chat with Nathan :) He’s so sweet! :D He also sang to me & the video and photos will be up in a minute.-

Then in like 2 minutes I had 7 people like my status and 4 people comment on it. I will reply after the photos and videos are uploaded. I made a photo album called ‘The Wanted concert & meeting The Wanted<3’ then I uploaded all the photos. I changed my profile picture to a photo of a normal photo of me and Nathan. I then uploaded the video and I had so many notifications. I then opened another tab and opened up twitter. I logged on and tweeted.


Still can’t get over the fact that I met @thewantedmusic @Nare_esha @michkeegan & @KelseyBelle90 :) Still can’t believe @NathanTheWanted sang to me :) #BestNightEver-

I then changed my profile picture on twitter to one where Nathan was kissing my cheek.

I uploaded the video of Nathan singing to me on YouTube & put the link on Facebook and Twitter. My mentions on twitter were going crazy and my notifications on Facebook were mad. I then received a text.

-From Nathan

Sorry if you are asleep babe but just thought I’d say that I’m missing your company already. I’m in the tour bus with the lads & it’s a tad boring because everyone is tired xxxx-

-To Nathan

I’m still awake :) & I miss you too!xxxx-

-From Nathan

Awww, btw I’ve seen your tweet on twitter :) I’m very tempted to change my DP to one of me & you but it’ll get rumours going & things :) but I love your DP :) xxxx-

-To Nathan

I understand & I love my DP too :P xxxx-

-From Nathan

Haahaaa, you best love it because I don’t give away that many kisses on the cheek and have photo took as well ;) xxxx-

-To Nathan

So should I feel special?xxxx-

-From Nathan

Yeah you should :P & apparently us lads are coming back to Nottingham straight after the tour for this gig we are doing there :D xxxx-

-To Nathan

Does that mean I’ll get to see you soon :D xxxx-

-From Nathan

Yeah it does :D xxxx-

-To Nathan

EEEEKKK!! Can’t wait :) I must sleep now though so night, night :) xxxxx-

-From Nathan

Night babe! Sweet dreams :) xxxxx-

I then switched my phone off and fell asleep.

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