Chapter 17

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So it’s the next day and me, Poppy and Beth are out in town shopping and things. They have made me laugh so much today! Nathan has hardly been on my mind. Poppy got a text and she just smiled. “Obviously loverboy then.” I winked and she laughed lightly.

“He’s at the market square, can we meet him quickly please?” Poppy begged.

“I guess a couple of minutes won’t hurt.” I laughed.

“We’ll be there longer than a couple of minutes.” Beth winked and we all laughed. We walked towards the market square and I have never seen Poppy walk so fast in my life haha. We began walking and I saw Poppy go on ahead. I spotted Jay. Well I hope it was Jay because then Poppy just hugged a random dude. Jay was wearing a sunglasses obviously to try and hide his identity. I was walking towards him and Poppy with Beth when I noticed someone else there. Nathan. I stopped.

“You didn’t tell me Nathan was gonna be there.” I told Beth.

“I know, I know, it was Poppy’s plan. She wants you and Nathan to get back together as soon as possible like the rest of us because both of you have been sulking around the house/hotel.”Beth told me.

“I have not been sulking.” I told her defending myself.

“Monica, really?” She asked. Ok, maybe I had a little bit.

“I still can’t talk to him!” I told her.

“Monica, yes you can. Last night you told me you miss him and you want him back so why don’t tell him that?” Beth asked and I nodded. We began to walk over to Nathan, Jay and Poppy. When Nathan saw me he whispered something to Jay. I carried on walking over. We all stood there awkwardly before Nathan said something.

“Monica, can I speak to you?” He asked and I nodded. “In private?” He asked and I nodded again and we walked away from everyone. “Look Monica, I know what I did was wrong and I’ve been wanting to tell you this for ages but I haven’t had the chance to tell you. Monica you mean everything to me and I want you. You are beautiful and caring and please forgive me!” He begged.

“Nathan, last night I was talking to Beth and I told her roughly the same things. I missed you and you mean everything to me and I want you too and I do forgive you Nathan!” I told him and a smile crept up on his face and mine.

“So would you like to start again?” He asked.

“Well, I wouldn’t like to start completely again. I think we should pretend that the kiss with the girl never happened and we never fell out.” I smiled.

“I agree.” He smiled back. He gave me a hug and then our lips touched. It felt like centuries since this happened. I sure did miss Nathan but I’ve got my Nathan back and that’s the main thing. “Come on, let’s go back to the others.” He said. He interlocked his hand with mine and we walked back over.

Poppy’s POV

So I saw Monica and Nathan talking. Me, Jay and Beth were just stood watching. We wanted to know what they were on about but I think they made up after they kissed. They walked back over to us with their hands entwined together and smiles plastered on both of their faces. “It good to see some life back in you both.” I smiled.

“Yeah hopefully we won’t see the sad and lonely side of both of you again!” Beth said.

“I’m pretty sure you won’t.” Nathan smiled.

“Shall we finish shopping?” Monica asked and we all nodded and started to walk towards Victoria shopping centre.

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