Chapter 2

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The day has come. The day I have been waiting for the past few months. I decided to set off to the arena at about noon because some people who have already been to see them live went at about 1pm and they met the lads. It’s a school day as well so I’m just skiving college. One day won’t hurt.

Soon the taxi came and off I went to the arena. It wasn’t that far to be honest.

The taxi stopped and I looked outside and saw the arena. I payed the driver and quickly double checked I had my ticket and a little bit of money to buy merchandise. It’s now 12:15pm and that means only 6-7 hours till I see the lads perform. I can’t wait to see the support acts as well. The support acts are: Parade, Lawson, Fanfair and Ben Montague. I look forward to seeing them live. I don’t know much about those artists so it’ll be a surprise of what style of music they are.

I walked inside and there were already loads of people here. I think a lot of people wanted to meet them too and came early. I have no chance meeting the lads now.

I walked back outside and fucking hell. Where did all these girls come from? There were only a few outside when I got here but now there are tons! I definitely have no hope in meeting the lads now.

The next thing I know is a load of girls screaming and running in the same direction. I looked over and saw Max quickly and I just sighed. The big group of girls was massive and there is no way I’m gonna meet them. I’m alone and most girls are in BIG groups and I mean BIG groups. I’ll just get pushed to the back because I don’t stand up for myself that much. I sat down on the small wall next to me and sighed again. I felt like crying. I then felt a tear run down my eyes. I wiped it away and tried not to smudge my makeup. Yes I am crying over a boyband and it’s not happy tears. I looked up and saw 3 girls with their hoods up walking over to me. “Are you alright?” One asked.

“Yeah, I’m just being pathetic.” I told them.

“I bet you’re not.” Another said.

“Is it about The Wanted?” The last one said. Is it that obvious? I just nodded. “What have they done?” She asked.

“They’ve done nothing. I’m just crying over them because I came to see them in concert by myself because none of my friends wanted to come and I just want to meet them but I’ll just get pushed away by the big groups of girls because I’m really shy.” I admitted looking at the floor.

“Awww, come here. We can get you to meet them.” The first girl who spoke told me.

“You can? How?” I asked really confused. One of the girls pulled their hood down and I can’t believe who it is!! It’s Nareesha! Siva’s girlfriend! The other two pulled their hood down and it was Kelsey Tom’s girlfriend and Michelle Max’s girlfriend. I can’t believe it! “Oh.My.God! It’s you 3? I feel like a right twat now.” I told them.

“Don’t feel like that. We want to help you. So come on.” Michelle said and the girls put their hoods back up so they didn’t get noticed. Kelsey’s phone began to ring and she answered it and said. “Hi babe...Yeah we are just coming now...Oh my god really? They were perfect for each other...Ok, We are coming to the dressing room now. We have a fan with us as well. Don’t worry she isn’t crazy she’s pretty shy. She came to the concert on her own and would love to meet you guys...Ok babe, see you in a few minutes. Love you.” Then she hung up. “It was Tom.” She said. OH MY GOD! TOM KNOWS WHO I AM! KELSEY WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT ME TO TOM! OH MY GOD! “He told us to go to the dressing room and wait. Also you know Lily Nathan’s girlfriend. Well they just broke up.” Kelsey said.

“No they were perfect for each other.” Nareesha said.

“Yeah they were.” Michelle agreed.

“Erm, guys, sorry to interrupt but am I missing something?” I asked really confused because Nathan doesn’t have a girlfriend.

“Sorry, Nathan did have a girlfriend but they weren’t public and they just broke up.” Michelle explained.

“Ahh, right. I just broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago. He must be in a state if they broke up like just now.” I told them.

“Yeah he must be and are you alright?” Kelsey asked.

“Yeah I’m fine. My name is Monica by the way.” I told them.

“Well Monica, look who’s dressing room were are stood outside.” Nareesha said. I looked at the door and it said ‘The Wanted’ in the middle. My jaw dropped.

“It’s The Wanted’s.” I said really surprised. I’m currently stood outside The Wanted’s dressing room! Kelsey opened the door and it was empty,

“Don’t worry they’ll be here in a minute. The mob of fans outside must have took them for a few minutes.” Michelle laughed.

“Take a seat. Drink?” Kelsey asked. I sat down on one of the free seat.

“Yes please what do you have?” I asked.

“Juice, cola, water, hot drinks and obviously beer.” Kelsey laughed.

“I’ll have a cola please.” I said.

“So who is your favourite out the lads?” Nareesha asked curiously.

“Erm, I dunno really. I guess Nathan probably because he’s the nearest to me age.” I shrugged.

“How old are you?” Nareesha asked.

“17” I smiled.

“Awesome, do you go to college or something?” She asked another question but I didn’t mind.

“Yeah I go to one about 20 minutes away from here.” I smiled. Michelle was going to say something but then the dressing room door opened and The Wanted walked in. I smiled at them. OH MY GOD! THE WANTED ARE IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME!

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