Chapter 15

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So it’s time for the fight. I’m hoping with all my heart that Alice (leader of the group) doesn’t turn up so the fight won’t happen. I walked out the school gates. I couldn’t see the lads van anywhere. Nathan best hurry the fuck up before Alice and her petty little friends get here. Actually wait they are walking towards me. Shiiiiiiiiiiittttt!! I stood staring at them. “Now let’s get this over and done with eh?” Alice asked. I nodded and she kicked my shin.

“Oh that actually hurt.” I said and I slapped her round the face. WOAH!! What the fuck is up with me?!? I’m not usually this violent!

We were soon pulling each other’s hair and things when a familiar silver van pulled up on the other side of the car. I saw someone get out and then one of Alice’s friends squealed. “It’s Nathan Sykes!” She shouted. I looked up and saw Nathan stood there a little astonished. Then before I knew it Alice and her 2 friends were on the other side of the pavement talking to him. Alice was having a photo with him where he was kissing her cheek. I didn’t mind that at all. He does it all the time with fans. But then the next bit got me. Alice turned her head just before the photo was took and her and Nathan’s lips were touching. He wasn’t pulling away. Why wasn’t he pushing her off? Oh my god. What the hell?!?! I just walked off in a sulk. I still can’t believe Nathan didn’t pull away. He knew I was watching. ARGH! Why are boys annoying?! I got home and I knew Beth had gone to dance so the house would be locked. I looked through my bag to try and find my keys but I couldn’t find them anywhere. Then I realised I had left them on my desk in my room....I’m actually so stupid. Then just to make my day even better it began to rain. I sat down on the step outside the front door of my house and got my phone out. I didn’t have an umbrella and the front door isn’t really sheltered at all so I’m still getting soaking. I decided to text my mum and ask her how long she will be till she’s home. I opened up a new message.

-To Mum

What time are you coming home? I’ve left my keys inside the house and Beth has gone to dance x-

I then got a text back after 10 minutes saying.

-From Mum

In an hour and a half. Why don’t you find Nathan?x-

-To Mum

I don’t wanna talk about him.-

I think she got what I was getting at because she hadn’t text me back at all. I then opened twitter and saw I didn’t have any new mentions or anything. Wow, I am so loved. I decided to get twitlonger up on my phone and right out a long paragraph about what has happened today.


So today was a shit day. I have officially fallen out with my best friend. I nearly had my phone taken off me at college and I am having a letter sent home about my bad behaviour and language to a teacher blah, blah, blah and I got a detention. Then I got into a fight after my detention. Then after that I saw my “boyfriend” kissing another girl on the opposite side of the road to me. Oh and to make everything even better I’ve left my keys in the house. My mum is at work and Beth is at dance and it’s raining and I’m locked out. GREAT! :( How’s everyone else been?x-

I sent it and then a few minutes later I had a mention from Poppy.


@MonicaTheWanted Look Monica, I’m so sorry about everything! I over reacted and I’m sorry, I miss us not talking :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-


@PoppyIsTheName it’s alright, I couldn’t be mad at my best friend for that long :) xxxxxxxxxx-


@MonicaTheWanted So are we good?xxxx-


@PoppyIsTheName Yeah we’re good :) xxx-

I then had another mention come through from Nareesha. Siva’s girlfriend.


@MonicaTheWanted Hope you’re ok, let me ring you, one minute :) x-

Then before I knew it my phone was going off.

“Hi Nareesha” I said answering the phone.

“Hi Monica, how are you?” She asked.

“Not good,” I said on the verge of crying. I think everything has just hit me and all my emotions are building on top of each other.

“Hey, don’t cry. How about you come to the lads hotel room and see us girls and explain everything that happened today with Nathan?” She asked me. I nodded and then realised I was on the phone so she didn’t see me. I am stupid.

“Yeah sure, on my way.” I said.

“Ok, see you in a few minutes.” She told me and hung up. I began walking to the hotel the lads are staying at.

I soon arrived at the hotel room. I knocked on the door and Poppy answered it. “Hey Poppy” I smiled and gave her a hug.

“Hey Monica, you look soaked. Come in.” She smiled and opened the door more for me to walk through. I sat down opposite Nareesha and Kelsey and Poppy sat next to me.

“Right Monica, explain what’s happened between you and Nathan.” Kelsey said and I started to explain the whole of today.

Nathan’s POV

So I was one minute having a photo with a fan to the next kissing the fan and seeing Monica walk away upset. What the hell have I done? Soon the 3 girls ran off giggling to each other but by the time they went Monica was out of my site. I told Kev to drive me back to the studio.

He drove me back to the studio. It was only a 5 minute drive to get back here. I walked in the studio and saw that Jayne was just clearing up the last few harmonies for this song. When I first walked in the lads asked where Monica was and I just shrugged which I know didn’t really answer their question but I didn’t know where she was. Then Jayne asked me to do a little bit of recording quickly. Then me and the lads left to go back to the hotel. We climbed in the van and then Max said something to me. “Hey Nath, what’s going on with you and Monica?” He asked.

“Nothing. Why?” I asked.

“Oh she wrote this massive twitlonger about her day and you were in it.” He shrugged. I opened up twitter and read Monica’s twitlonger. I felt really, really bad. I didn’t want to kiss that girl. I wanted to kiss Monica. I don’t know what happened. I shut down my phone and leant my head against the window.

The next thing I know is the van stopping and us lads talking to a few more fans. I felt a little bit down but I put on a smile just for these fans. We didn’t have enough time to have photos took with them though.

We walked to the hotel room. When we walked in I felt all the girls glare at me and I looked at Monica who was looking at the floor. I felt really bad. I made myself a cuppa and then I went straight up to my room so write a song just because it’s what I like doing when I’m feeling down.

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