Chapter 16

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So it had been 2 days since Nathan had kissed that girl and we haven't really spoke at all since. Surely if he wanted me he would have spoken to me and apologized? I guess not. I walked downstairs. Beth was in her room doing college work and my mum was out food shopping. I got a big tub of ice cream out and got the DVD 'Mean Girls' out. I took a photo of the ice cream and DVD and tweeted it.


A big tub of ice cream and the 'Mean Girls' DVD all to myself... (photo link)-

I placed the DVD on. I love Mean Girls. It's so funny!

Poppy's POV

So I was on twitter when I saw Monica had tweeted.


A big tub of ice cream and the 'Mean Girls' DVD all to myself... (photo link)-

SHIT! She's eating a whole tub of ice cream and watching a chick flick comedy DVD by herself! This is the first stage of depression after a relationship is over. Oh crap! I had noticed Nathan and Monica hadn't seen each other in a couple of days and whenever I did see any of them they were down and upset. I need to sort their relationship out! "Jay, we have a big problem!" I told him. 

"Why? What's happened?" He asked. 

"Monica is eating a big tub of ice cream and watching a chick flick comedy DVD by herself!" I exclaimed. 

"And that's a big problem because?" Jay asked a little confused. 

"That is the first stage of depression when a relationship is over!" I told him. 

"Isn't Monica with Nath though?" He asked. 

"That's my point exactly! Haven't you noticed that they haven't seen each other in a couple of days and that whenever you see Nathan he is always upset and avoids conversation as much as possible?" I asked him. 

"Yeah I have now you mention it." 

"Well we need to be the heros and get them together again. I hate seeing them both upset!" I told Jay. 

"Ok, well how about we ask Nathan to go and talk to her?" Jay asked. 

"That's a crap plan bird." I laughed. "How about we kindda set them up again?" I asked. 

"Remember Pops me and the boys only have 3 days left in the UK before we go to the US" Jay reminded. 

"I know and we will get them back together in no time! You told me they clicked together when their eyes first met. So hopefully Monica will be able to forgive Nathan for what he did." I told Jay. 

"But how are we going to get them together?" 

"I'll talk to Beth and get her to help me. If you take Nathan shopping at the same time Beth and I take Monica shopping we should meet in Notts market square! You know where that is don't you? Seeing as you have lived here." I told Jay. 

"Of course I know where the market square is." Jay laughed. 

"Right then it's sorted. Tomorrow at 1pm we are taking them shopping and we'll "accidently" meet in the market square and get them talking and hopefully they will be connected at the hip again!" I told Jay pretty proud of my plan. 

"Ok, that sounds good. I'll go talk to Nathan now." Jay said and pecked my lips briefly and walked out the door.

Nathan's POV

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "It's open" I said. I looked up and saw Jay there. "Jay?" I asked. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me tomorrow? Just to get some last minute clothes and things for America." He told me. 

"Yeah, I'll go." I said.

"Great, I'll be leaving at about 1pm, so be ready for then haha." Jay smiled back and walked out the room. I kindda lied to Jay then. I wasn't free tomorrow because I had been planning to go and talk to Monica and apologize. The reason I haven't done it yet because I really don't want to make our relationship even worse and my big mouth can sometimes do that. I guess I'll just go and see Monica after shopping tomorrow and I will actually go and see her this time.


I was watching Mean Girls when the doorbell rang. I got up to go and answer it but I heard Beth shout "I'LL GET IT!" And ran to the door. I just sat back down on the sofa and pressed play on the DVD.

Beth's POV

Phew! That was close! Monica nearly answered the door when I knew it was Poppy and she wanted to tell me how to get Monica and Nathan back together again. I answered the door and it was Poppy. I walked her through the house quickly before Monica realized it was her and wanted to know why I was with Poppy because as far as Monica knows me and Poppy still don't get on but we're actually fine now but we just haven't really been together with Monica in the past couple of days and stuff. Anyway I got to my room and Poppy began to explain about how we are sortta gonna set Monica and Nathan up. "Ok, so tomorrow at around 1pm we are taking Monica shopping and Jay is gonna text you when him and Nathan are at the market square and that's when we head over there and hopefully Nath and Mon will sort it out?" I asked Poppy double checking I understood the plan. 

"Yep, that's right but first of all we've gotta get Monica to agree to go out of the house because she hasn't left the house since the whole commotion." Poppy said. 

"Leave that with me, I'll be able to do that easily." I smiled. 

"Thanks Beth," She smiled back. "I need to get back now and tell Jay the plan is ready and stuff." She said still smiling. She gave me a hug and left the house. I walked downstairs and saw Monica still sat there. She had eaten only half of the big ice cream pot and she was surrounded by tissues. Hang on a minute Mean Girls isn't even sad it's funny. Am I missing something? I walked into the living room more and looked at Monica. 

"Monica are you alright?" I asked. 

"Yes of course, why wouldn't I be?" She told me with a fake smile plastered on her face. 

"I know a fake smile when I see one." I told her and sat down next to her. 

"I want him back Beth. I want my Nathan back. I miss him. I really do." She cried. I gave her a hug. 

"Come on Monica, don't worry. How about tomorrow we go shopping with Poppy and have a girly time? Maybe go to a spa and get all boys out of our heads for a day?" I asked her and she nodded. 

"I want him back." She cried. 

"And you will get him back!" I smiled and she cried on my shoulder. "Boys can be idiots at times but we've just got to accept that. You'll be back together in no time. Just don't think about him today or tomorrow. Have a break." I smiled. 

"I've had a 3 day break from him already Beth. I just want my hand in his hand again. I want to smell that lovely smell of his aftershave. I want to brush my hand through his sweeping fringe and most importantly I just want to tell him that I think I'm in love with him." Monica cried. 

"You're in love with him?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I wanted to tell him on the night he picked me up from college but then he kissed that girl and everything just went downhill but I think I love him." She said still weeping on my shoulder. 

"Monica, stay strong and think about the positives in life. Come on let's play on the X Box." I winked. 

"Nathan loves playing on his x Box." She cried. Shit, I've just made it worse. 

"Want a cuppa?" I asked. 

"Nathan loves tea with 2 sugars too." She wept. Oh my god! 

"How about we do makeovers? I'm pretty sure Nathan doesn't do that?" I said laughing lightly but that made Monica laugh and soon her infectious laugh was loud and clear.

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