Chapter 3

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““I must act normal. I MUST ACT NORMAL! Monica don’t say anything stupid.” Was what I was saying mentally in my head.

“So you must be the fan?” Jay asked.

“Yeah I am, my name’s Monica.” I said quietly but just loud enough for everyone to hear. I was a little shocked and I must admit scared and nervous right now.

“That’s a beautiful name.” Nathan smiled at me.

“Erm, thank you.” I smiled back. Did Nathan Sykes seriously just say I have beautiful name?

“So coming to a concert on your own must be terrifying.” Siva said who was sat next to Nareesha.

“It is a bit but I think I can cope.” I laughed. Then Kelsey walked in with some drinks.

“Oh hi guys, I didn’t hear you come in.” She said and passed me my can of cola.

“Thank you.” I thanked her.

“It’s alright hun.” She smiled and sat next to Tom on the sofa.

So we were talking about random stuff and everyone seems really nice. Jay had just gone out to talk to some random people. (In other words I can’t remember who he was seeing.) The room felt really awkward because the couples were eating each others’ faces and me and Nathan sat there awkwardly. “Monica, fancy going on a little walk?” He asked.

“Yeah sure.” I smiled. He stood up and offered his hand out. I took it and he helped me up and we walked out the room. I JUST TOUCHED NATHAN SYKES' HAND! And calm.

“So where do you wanna go?” He asked while we started to walk down the corridor.

“I don’t mind. To be honest I don’t really know what’s backstage so you can lead the way.” I laughed.

“Well do you want to go and meet Lawson one of the support acts?” He asked.

“Yeah sure but I don’t know much about them.” I told him.

“Don’t worry. I’ll introduce you to them.” He smiled and we walked around a corner and down another corridor until we reached a room which said ‘Lawson’ on the front. Nathan knocked and a lad shouted to go in. Nathan opened the door and we walked in. “Hey lads, it’s me Nathan and I have a fan of mine with me so be nice to her.” He laughed. I walked in and waved. “Monica, this is the band Lawson, there’s Andy, Adam, Joel and Ryan and lads this is Monica.” Nathan said introducing us to each other.

“Hey Monica and Nathan we are just doing a twitcam. So you’re both on camera right now.” Andy said.

“Oh right where’s the camera?” Nathan asked and I think his name was Adam pointed to it. Nathan walked over to the camera and waved into it which made me chuckle. “Monica, come and say hello.” He said.

“I’m good thanks.” I said and Nathan sat down on one of the sofas. I felt really awkward because I was in a room with 4 lads I didn’t really know and Nathan who was in the band I adore! I didn’t know what to say or what to do.

“Monica, come and sit down I won’t bite.” Nathan laughed and I sat next to him.

“So Monica how did you end up backstage?” I think his name was Joel asked me.

“Oh, well Nareesha, Michelle and Kelsey started talking to me and I ended up backstage.” I explained.

“Awesome.” Joel said and then Lawson played a few songs for the fans watching online. Apparently the amount of viewers went up a load when Nathan walked in. I’m not surprised though.

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