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Meredith's P.O.V

After I forced Derek to leave, me and Cristina continued drinking until we were blackout drunk. I just remember laughing, laughing a lot. My head is pounding and I go to take a couple ibuprofen.

Cristina is still sleeping, so I carefully exit the house hoping to not wake her.

I put the key in the ignition and started to drive home. I really want to fix things with McDreamy, I was a total McAss last night. He of course went through something too! I feel so selfish through this all, but will he forgive me?

Does he still love me back? Will he leave me just like he did with Addison? All these thoughts race through my head while driving. I love him, but I am unsure. I am unsure if he'll still want to have a future with me. At this point I'm almost home.

I stop at red light, the second the light turns green my foot hits the pedal. In a split second something collides with me and I am faced with someone what seems to be screaming in my ear and shaking me almost violently.

"Meredith!" the person yells, "Meredith, wake up!"


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