How to Save a Life

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Derek's P.O.V.

After I got the page, I ran to the Trauma rooms. "Where is the patient?" I looked over in the trauma room. My life just flashed before my eyes, it was Meredith in a gurney. I- I was flabbergasted and I didn't know what to do. My head started spinning, and my stomach had a huge pit in it. Cristina looked over, called my name. Nurses were calling my name. Stars were all around in the sky. Then darkness overtook me.

Cristina's P.O.V.

"Derek, Derek!" then boom, he fainted. The whole trauma team including me is trying to resuscitate Mer. She is been touch and go. Stable for four minutes and then v-fib. "Someone help Derek he has to work on Mer!," I ordered, "Cover her face and keep working!" I ran out of the trauma room to go to Derek's aid. He was opening his eyes.

Derek grabbed a cup of water, "what happened?" I responded, "Derek, you fainted. I am sorry to say this, Meredith has slipped and fell. She hit her head badly. You need to help her." Partly of that was a lie, some was true." He got up, chugged all the water and  waited for a bit, then he said, "Tell an OR we are coming!" While Derek ran to go and prep to do an emergency craniotomy, Meredith's OB was running to check on Mer to see what happened. Blood spread down her groin while in the residents lounge, so the OB had a right to check on Mer. She walked in and began doing her job.

During all that time I was worried for everyone- me, Derek, just everyone! The OB came to talk to me. I was the closest person (besides Derek) to Mer.

"She is having a D&C complications, she will be going on an antibiotic course. Since... she didn't take the first round." she said shaking her head. I walked back into the trauma room, and quickly pushed the gurney to OR 5. The whole OR had been set up for a crainy. Derek told me that he didn't need my help, so I quickly walked back out to go to viewing room. I sat there with the rest of the team. I just sat there feeling worried for Mer. I don't know what Derek is feeling right now. All I know is he has to operate on his girlfriend. I just wish that Mer would just tell him so all the lies could be done and dealt with. None of this would've happened if Meredith would actually listen. I am just pissed at Mer, me, Derek, everybody!

Derek's P.O.V.

After I fainted from sadness, everyone was rushing to my aid because they needed me. Cristina told me about Mer slipping and hitting her head and what not, I didn't exactly hear everything she said but I nodded along and got up. I know I needed to do a craniotomy on Mer, and it sucked knowing it was her.

After standing there for a whole 5 minutes contemplating I shouted,

"Tell an OR we are coming!"

I ran while to the scrub room while ripping off my white coat (I hit some guy in the face) and putting my scrub cap on. My gut feels like there is more to this story, but all I am focused on is saving Meredith Grey. I bust through the scrub room. I just scrubbed so quick, and the nurses dressed me very quickly. I was preparing myself to help save Meredith. I am just talking and meditating to myself. Cristina and the trauma team wheeled her in.

I inhaled and exhaled,

"Alright everybody, it's a beautiful day to save lives."

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