OR and Post-Op

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Derek's P.O.V.

"Ten-blade" I said sternly.

Bohkee handed me the ten-blade. I deeply cut towards the frontal lobe area.

I looked up, "Retractors" Bohkee and another nurse retracted the skin and muscle, I can see her skullcap. Bohkee knew me too well, she handed me the bone saw and my favorite lap pads. Every surgeon like a different lap pad and gauze. After sawing part of the skullcap, I take it out and put it in a sterile pan.

*intense beeping on monitor*

I looked up and then saw her brain rapidly growing, "Her brain is swelling, irrigation and suction now!" After two minutes of suctioning and irrigating, her pulse went back to normal.

I sighed, "good save guys..." I finished up the surgery no problem.

After Mer is wheeled out of the OR, I rip off my gown, gloves, and mask. I then walk in the scrub room to scrub out, which was right next to the OR. I hummed my favorite song two times before rinsing the scrub off my arms. I slammed the water button off. The pieces aren't adding together! Antibiotics are being given, but that is not what you give a person who just had a craniotomy... Something is being hidden from me, and I just know it. I know the twisted sisters both wanted me to stay away, but Meredith is the love of my love. I need her. I love her. I went to Mer's room,

Cristina's P.O.V.

After Mer's surgery I just sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair waiting. A lot has been going through my mind. My eyes were burning from the tears I was holding back. Only one escaped. Soon after wiping my tears, the OB came to check in on Mer. She was making sure her antibiotics were being administered properly. I saw Derek... crap! He walked in and said hello, and gave a confused look. The OB doesn't know that Derek doesn't know.

He shook her hand, "Hello, Dr. Derek Shepherd- Dr. Meredith Grey's boyfriend."

She nodded, "Oh yes! I am Meredith's OB, just checking in on her after complications from her D&C. I am incredibly sorry for your loss." Then she left the room, Mer was still sleeping from the surgery.

Derek paused then looked at me- "Mer was pregnant, with my child?"

"She was- I am sorry. Just so you know- I begged Mer to tell you. She wanted to hide it from you. Mer told me to say that to you. I am on your side, completely. I am just- sorry Derek." I told him, and I started to walk out of the room.

Derek snapped his head, "Wait... can you tell me when did it happen?"

I paused- then looked back, "The day of the shooting. Mer found out she was pregnant that morning. She was going to tell you, but you got shot. Mr. Clark came in the OR and held everyone at gunpoint. Owen ended up getting shot, and Mer and April went to stitch him up, The miscarriage happened then. I am sorry for your loss Derek." I then left the room to go to the cafeteria. Derek was just frazzled. He had a right to know, he was that baby's father.

Derek's P.O.V.

After Cristina told me Mer was pregnant, but sadly had a miscarriage. I was in complete shock, I don't understand why she couldn't tell me. I remained next to Mer for a good hour, until she woke up.

Mer was groggy, "Cristina? Cristina?" I rushed to Mer's aid, "Babe, I am right here, it's Derek." Meredith was shocked, "So, heard any news lately? I don't know why I am even getting antibiotics! Idiot interns..." I cut Mer off, "Meredith... I know about the baby." Meredith just was in shock, and anger towards Cristina. I can tell she was pissed.

Mer shouted, "Who told you!?" I rubbed my jawline, "Your OB..." That is when Mer sat quiet, she was stunned that I found out. I continued to say, "Cristina is the one who told me the full story." Meredith's face filled with just rage, just as Cristina walked in.

Cristina was holding a sandwich, "Oh Mer your awake, I was just get-"

Meredith looked Cristina dead in the eye, "You bitch!" I was just looking back and forth out of the two while they were having a heated argument.

I silently got up, "So... I'm just gonna go, you two can sort this out. Just don't kill each other- okay?" Then, I exited the room and closed the door while they were having a big argument.

I just don't understand why Meredith is mad, I know the truth and the weight was taken off Mer's shoulders. I just don't understand Mer right now.
Author's Note: FYI, just because Derek found out does NOT mean the story is over. I still have more plot ideas. :)

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