Just children

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We were just children,

We used to laugh and smile,

We were just children,

When you tour us apart,

We were just children,

When you poisoned us,

We were just children,

when you turned us into machines.

You told us we had to be perfect,

You told us not to go wrong,

You told us to always stand straight,

No matter what you did.

We cried and we begged,

We prayed to god,

That you would set us free,

That you would allow,

For us to be children again.

But all the cries and all the begs,

And all the prayers that we sent,

They did not stop you,

From turning us,

Turning us into machines.

Now we don't cry and we don't laugh,

We do exactly what is told,

And people wonder, how do we do it so perfect,

But remember,

We were only children,

When you turned us into machines.

Poems: From sunset to sunriseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ