I look at the wall clock and it's 10 AM already and I haven't cook any for our lunch. I didn't even realize that we already in the kitchen. So I patted her arm and sign her to sit on the counter.

"I'll be cooking now," I smiled at her as she sits on the chair. "You can watch if you want to," I turn around and start looking for the ingredients. 

"I'm seated!" She said in a cute tone that made my heart melt.

"Good!" I smile at her. "We will take about more regarding of living together again like before," I said strictly that made her listen to me more.

"Okay," she said in a calm voice.


We're here in the living room after we ate lunch. She looks so afraid and curious at the same so I sit on the floor in front of her while she sits on the couch.

"You look afraid like I'm gonna bite you," I said and laugh at her.

"W-Well," she looks away.

"Don't be, we're just going to talk about something," I said and take out some papers on the bag next to the center table.

"Okay," she then gulps which made me laugh.

"Here," I hand her the small-looking ID. "I made it when you're still in the hospital," I said that made her look amazed.

"Those times that Byul unnie and Yongsun unnie are with me," she said so I just nod at her.

"It contains your name, the phone number of us three, and our address," I point at the part where it contains and looks on the center table again. "If I'm not around, you can press it if it's an emergency," I then hand her an alert pendant.

"You also have this?" She said while scanning the pendant so I take out mine as well.

"Yes," I then show it to her. "Whenever you press that button on yours, mine will vibrate," I said that made her eyes wide open.

"Can I?" She points on the pendant so I nod at her.

She presses the button and the pendant I'm holding started to vibrate. I sign her to stop pressing so she did.

"It's just for emergency and please don't play with it," I look at her directly in her eyes.

"Yes," she nods at me. "What about this? Where I'm going to put it?" She said talking about the ID. 

"You can put it on your coat or I'm going to make another so you can wear it like a necklace," I said and stands up.

"Okay!" She smiles at me that made her dimple show which made me melt.

"Also, the room to your door should be always open," I said that made her more confused. "Since the doctor warned you that something bad could happen if you fell asleep," I added and she nods.

"Understood!" She smiles sweetly.

"We only have one bathroom so we have to share it,"

"The one that is inside my room?"



"Just tell me if you want to use it so we don't have a more further fight,"

"Okay!" She exclaimed that made her smile so wide and her dimples were showing.

I look on the clock so I can at least hide my red cheeks. "Y-You should take your meds now," I said and grab her meds.

"Why do I have to take my meds?" She asks as I give her meds.

"It's for you to boost your immune system," I said with a smile. "And it helps you remember quickly too," I smirk at her so she takes it quickly and drinks water.

"Done!" She opens her mouth in front of me so I can make sure that she really drinks it.

"What do you want to do know?" I ask her as I proceed to the kitchen.

"Sleep," she then yawns, so I grab her by the hand and drag her to our room.

"You should've told me earlier," I sigh and fix the bed for her.

"It's quite important so I really have to listen," she then hops on the bed and lay on it.

"Go to sleep now," I then patted her arm softly as she closes her eyes.

I want to cuddle with you as you go to sleep if I can but you will get confused by it.

Mind Can Forget But Heart Can't [Wheesa]✔Where stories live. Discover now