Rolling his eyes the boy stood up nodding his head letting Yuri wrap her arms around his torso sidely as they walk out of the restaurant, walking their way where the bus stop is. The wind is colder compare from yesterday and that made Yuri smile to herself the same time her chest ached sadly once she remembered how much her sister loves night time.

" What are you thinking about? " Man Sik hums noticing how Yuri's staring at the night sky, his heart warming at the sight of the brunette making him smile to himself " Is it Nari? "

" hmm " Yuri nods softly her smile fading a bit " I miss her a lot. I wonder when she'll come home. "

Man Sik never responded instead he pulls the girl into a side hug something that's normal between the two of them. He didn't want to spoil the girl about Nari's return. He found out about it from Cho Rong. Nari told Cho Rong, telling him to not tell Seo Jun and Yuri that she's finally coming home. 

The same goes to Ju Kyung and the rest, she really do want it to be a surprise. Pulling her luggage on the clean shiny white tiles of the Airport she pulled down her shades as she looks around for a certain woman. Rara.

" There she is " Ye Jun laughs pointing at the woman whose holding a huge banner with their names written on it designed in colorful markers and stickers something they didn't expect from the woman. 

" OH MS. NARI " Was the first thing that left Rara's lips as she pulled the young girl into a tight hug earning a loud giggle from Nari. Moment after they pulled away but the woman's hand remained on the side of her face as she examines the blond girl up and down

" You've gotten prettier " Rara breathed " Your hair's longer and your aura is stronger than before "

" aww " Nari giggles " don't shower me with compliments Rara, I might think you want something in return "

" how about you make me the food you learned at Australia? I'd love to finally taste it Ms. Nari "

" Of course of course " Nari laughs nodding her head letting the woman lead her to where the car is parked " I'll cook it as soon as we reached my apartment "

Nari wanted a new space, all by herself so she bought one from the money she's been saving up. Her parents respects her decision after all she's an adult already so she's very much allowed to have her own space where she can move freely and be more like an adult. A phone rang which made Ye Jun look down at his finding out it was his phone he looked at the caller I.D and saw it's Han Seo Jun.

" Who's calling? " Nari asked glancing at him in curiosity so Ye Jun turned his phone to her and she smiled seeing who it is " Go answer it "

" Hey " 

Seo Jun breathed the sound of shuffling behind and the door closing before he talked " Hey, I know you hate it whenever I'd call you just to ask for Nari but Where's Nari? "

Ye Jun laughed glancing at Nari who had been staring at him the whole time before he answered, spitting a white lie " She's asleep "

" oh " Seo Jun pants laying down on his bed hearing Ye Jun ask him why " Tomorrow's Yuri's book signing. I just want to let her know, maybe she can call her sister just to congratulate her or something. "

" Cool " Ye jun replies " What time does it start? I just arrived in Korea maybe I can come. "

" Really? " Seo Jun says in amusement quickly sitting up on his bed his eyes wide " How about Nari? When is she coming home? "

" Maybe next year man " Ye Jun trailed and stifle a laugh hearing how the mullet boy whined over the phone " come on don't be a baby "

" shut up " Seo jun grumbled and sighed " if that so then bye. Let's meet tomorrow night "

" why? are you not coming to Yuri's book signing? "

" It starts at 2 in the afternoon so I'm busy, I'll be stuck at practice at that time " Seo Jun replied with a groan " okay bye then "

With that the Han boy ended the call not giving Ye Jun a chance to say his goodbye making Wang Ye jun hiss and glare at his phone. Grumbling under his breath as he shoved his phone back into his pockets and looked at Kim Nari.

" He says Yuri's book signing will start at 2 pm " 

Nari nodded her head humming in response and rest her head at the seat looking at the window watching the city lights and the building they passed by. Moments later before she knew it she fell into a peaceful nap the thought of facing her twin sister tomorrow being the last thought in her mind before the darkness pulled her in.


Just like I had mentioned before, I have a new book coming in after Goodnight n' go finishes.

It's still a Hwang In Yeop fan fiction but as Goo Ja Sung of 18 again. The book will be different from Unexpectedly Yours and Goodnight n' Go since it will be more raw and open in different topics. So I hope you'll also look forward in that <3

 So I hope you'll also look forward in that <3

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Love, EL.

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