First Day: Fainted

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Tuesday, worst day of the week. I have no hope to start the week off on a good foot and way too far from the weekend to even begin planning or even think about beginning to plan. It's too hot today. I don't want to take another shower, tho. My back and pretty ass don't wanna leave my bed. I feel tired even though I didn't do anything since summer start. This week is actually the second week of summer in Beacon Hills. The pack didn't plan anything to go anywhere for the whole season. Everyone just wanna get some rest from all of the supernatural shits happens since a couple of years ago. Especially about the last whole month battling with Monroe. Thankfully, this time, no one in our pack died. Well, actually I didn't help this time at all, except for moral support? I think I did that.. Because no joke, I'm still shock about the Anuk-Ite event. Kinda traumatising. That guy has no skin! Let alone the Nogitsune thing.. It became my habit to open my light before sleeping since then. That's more traumatic. Because sometimes when I am taking a shower and I need to close my eyes for washing my face with soap, that creep is like a mushroom inside my head. Making me take the shower around morning to noon. Then I used to bathe two or three times a day, now I bathed only once a day! That make me kinda irritated for the whole day, since it's summer, and it's freaking hot outside now!

I'm sure the whole pack have their own businesses to do this season, while here I am. Naked. With only my boxers on. Laying down on my bed. Without any air-conditioning, just completely depending on my electric fan and fresh air from my room's open window. I'm not very productive for this year's summer. Last year's summer I am hanging out with Scott. But this year's summer, he wanted to be with Malia.. I'm kinda jealous. I'm sure Lydia's at the mall, which later on will go visit the Beacon's sheriff department because he is dating Jordan. I thought I have a chance to her.. Really. I feel disappointed with myself too. But I'll be very happy for her. They look good with each other. And she is a banshee. She really needs to keep her Hellhound safe. I really don't have a fight with anyone, do I? I'm just a normal human. A 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones with an unusual name and nickname. Which only weapon is the things around me, my metal baseball bat, my dear Roscoe and my infinite sarcasm.

I sighed heavily. I really feel like everyone's been avoiding me.. Since the Nogitsune thing. I killed my best friend's greatest love. I killed my crush's greatest friend, with benefits.. And Donovan's. Malia, the one and only friend I have since Scott turn his back from me, also gone already. Because I make her leave. It's my fault. Yeah. Can't blame her. The persons I have since day one, are all gone. And now, it is only me, and me all alone. It feels like it's better if I didn't fought back. It feels like it is better if I just died.

"I want some ice cream." I cut myself off from thinking negatively, with a bitter smile on my face. I can't just sulk here everytime. I will eat ice cream. I will eat plenty of that! With different flavours!

"YEAH!" I hyped myself up and got out of my bed. I wear a white printed shirt and brown pants. And run out of the house. Lock our door's house first before me jumping on in my jeep.

I quickly got out of my jeep as I parked it in front of the grocery market. I run inside the store because of the sun. I'm not actually scared to got a little tan. But I got more of sunburns instead. So yeah. Let's just be more careful. My pale skin is just so sensitive. Even now that I got inside the grocery market store, my face stings a little bit. Maybe because I am driving. I wish I just wear a cap. I supposed! But I forgot. My fault again.

I calmly walk towards the coolers, the dairy section of the store. Making the most out of the time that I have inside the full air-conditioned store. Can I just hang out here for a while? Yeah. No. It's tiring just to stand up the whole time. My legs will get numb. Not a good idea. I'll just take some and leave. Oh. I'll just get dad and deputy Parrish some too. For dad, I got a 8oz tub vanilla lowfat ice cream, no sugar added. I don't know what flavor to get to deputy Parrish so I'll just choose a 8oz tub vanilla cashew ice cream. And for me..

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