Little Pistol....

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((Can we just talk about how Aaarrrgh is so cute and how the subtitle says "Bat Man"? and this picture is so that people don't legit cry they can just think about the cutie))

We were watching every movie that had contact/content with Thor. Good that was on Thor-The Avengers-Thor: The Dark World..

But when we finished the Dark World I looked to my clock and it was 10:54 PM.

Draal was human and I pushed him literally into the bathroom, I combed his hair.

And I do believe he hated it.


"If you stop moving it won't hurt!"

"How bout if I rip your hair with that beady thing when your hair is regularly horns that are stationary!"

"Did you seriously just use the word stationary!?"

"Uh... Yes?"

"You're the one who bought the tickets without telling me, if you told me two days ago we could have watched those movies way easier with just one movie per night. But no, you had kept it a surprise!"

"Actually it's your mother that bought them."

"Did you ask her for pointers on keeping me happy?"


"So forth, that means it was your idea in the long run."

"True, ow—"

"Oh shut up,"


In the theatre, enjoying myself and Draal radiating happiness as he sat beside me.

"Rather interesting is it not?" he asked with a smirk.

"Stop being formal, you know you're enjoying it." I smiled and leaned against him.

"I am glad Loki's back, except he was being a piece of- as trolls say... Bushigal,"

"More so bull shit?"

"You know everything,"

"I do not," I smirked, cuddling up to him.


There was a meadow in front of me, the kissing tree quite close...

When did—did I black out?

I spotted Draal (human) lying on the ground.

I fell onto my knees as I leaned over him, a huge gash lied on his chest. Large—like a troll's horn. I tried to place my hand on the wound—maybe to heal him and it—but he grabbed my hand. Making me yelp, his voice creaked tiredly, "It's to late.."

"Draal, hey-hey, you got to stay awake—let me heal—"

His head fell back, I began to chant the bring back to life chant. My hair transformed fully white, my eyes opened widely again. I looked for a sign of life on Draal—nothing.

"Draal?!" I yelled out.

I broke into a sob, placing my head on his chest, tears glided down my cheek.

I jumped up, "Who?! Why?!" I yelled up at the sky.

Draal – my mate – my love was dead! On the ground in front of me!

I fell onto my knees as I stared at the ground.



My eyes bursting open with wideness as I saw Draal with his hand retracted to slap me again.

Out of surprise, I slapped him across the neck.

"First of, ow,"

I looked at the glowing yellow thing close by my head, Draal reached out and grabbed it. Smashing it between his hands.

"What happened..?" I was out of breath.

"Pixies. Everyone who was in here got attacked by them.. But all pixies are dead now. I explained to the people that they were a new type of bug that was rather rare. Now their mostly dead and no wanted to question it.... What was your nightmare?"

"My utmost fear is losing you," I looked to the side at the ground before looking back up at him, "You were killed by something in... my nightmare... I tried bring—" My voice cracked as tears slid down my cheeks, "You back... And it didn't work... You?"

"My utmost fear is losing you as well... It was very vivid, I was fighting against Bular... And then Bular slammed me against.. The wall and I was to weak... And he killed you. Then I ran into a wall in real life and I was able to get out of the nightmare.."


Me After Writing this Chapter: 

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