Chapter 14

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Happy's Hydrant wasn't too packed tonight, but once the next round of first responders clock out, they will come in looking for a stiff drink. You sat in your usual spot with a drink in hand, waiting for your favorite fire squad to finish their shift. It's been a long two weeks with you taking on extra shifts while covering your own, making it tough to see your friends. Although you did have a chance to talk with Bruce about getting set up with one of the call center therapists, and that's how you met Dr. Wendy Lawson at Project Pegasus.

At first, it was tough, you didn't know what to expect, and it felt like a weird first date. You wanted to be open and honest, but it's hard to get comfortable and share your problems with a stranger, but Dr. Lawson surprised you. She was very open and honest with you about how she wanted to help you as long as you were willing to try, and with Steve's encouraging words, you felt like it didn't hurt to give it a shot.

Your phone vibrating on the table brought you back to the present. You glanced down at the screen, smirking when you saw Steve's face.

Steve: We are heading out now. Sam had a rough last call, but Bucky convinced him to come out for a few. Be there soon :)

YN: Poor Sam. I'll be here!

The one person you stayed in contact with these last two crazy weeks was Steve. You talked to him at least once a day on the phone, only ever exchanging good morning texts. It felt outdated to talk on the phone, but you liked listening to him talk, and his laugh never failed to bring a smile to your face. You could talk to Steve about anything and everything, and it was so easy and fun. With Billy, it always felt like a second job, but with no benefits and one wrong move would get you fired.

A cold shiver ran up your spine, sparking you to sit up straighter. It sends a tingle to your hands, causing them to fidget with your drink in front of you. You gulped, taking a quick glance over your shoulder, but didn't see anyone you recognized. You shake your head, running your hand down your face. You let out a deep breath, tracing the stained circled rings on the wooden bar. If Billy was going to find you, wouldn't he have done it already?

Your eyes snapped to the front door creaking open and sighed in relief, seeing your brother's big frame walking through the door followed by Steve, Sam, and Bucky. Bucky's arm was wrapped around Sam's shoulders, almost as if he was pulling him into the bar, and Sam had the most annoyed look on his face.

You hopped off your seat as the guys made their way over to you. When Sam got closer, you pulled him into a big hug. He hesitated at first, then loosely wrapped his arms around you. "Come on, Wilson. I don't hug just anybody."

He wrapped his arms tighter around you. "This is new for you." You didn't need to see him to know he was smiling.

"New beginning."

"So I've heard, I'm proud of you, girl." Sam squeezed you tighter, letting a laugh escape you, and he chuckled, swaying you back and forth. Steve caught your eye, winking at you with his signature smirk on his face, and you couldn't help but return the smile.

"Thanks, Sam. How you doing?" You pulled Sam at arm's length, seeing a slight sadness in his eyes.

"It's tough, but I'll get through it," Sam nodded with a half shrug. "We all have our own ways of coping." You shot him a warm smile, returning to your stool at the bar.

"How was your shift, fellas?" Happy interrupted, handing out coasters. Sam grunted to himself, taking one of the stools beside you while Steve took the other one.

"Get this man anything he wants. It's on me," Bucky replied, patting Sam on the back.

"The usuals?" Happy asked, earning a nod from everyone.

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