Chapter 9

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AN: Flashbacks in Italics

Someone knocking on the door makes you jump and stare wide-eyed at it. You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes, and slowly stood up. The knocking continued to get louder, sending a dull ringing in your ears. You went to the hall closet to grab the wooden baseball bat and went over to answer the door. This is when you wish the door had a peephole or that there were windows by the door, so you could see who it was, but there was nothing to see who was on the other side. You let out a deep breath, opening the door, and swung the bat, but find Steve ducking out of the way before it hit him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." You dropped the bat as it clattered to the ground and covered your mouth. "Steve...I thought...I thought you were..." Your voice stumbled as you felt more tears run down your cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Steve. I could've really hurt you. I don't..."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm fine." Steve reassured, placing his hands on your upper arms. You tensed up, taking in a sharp breath, and he dropped his hands back to his sides. "Are you okay, YN?" You stared at him as if you didn't know what to say. Your mouth was opening and closing, but the words weren't coming to you. "Let's get inside." You nodded, turning back around. You walked in and watched him close the door behind him and place the bat from the ground beside it.

"I thought...I thought you were him. He called me, and I thought he was at the door because he found me. And then he wasn't, and I...I don't know..." You went over to the couch to sit down, putting your head in your hands as tears continued to fall down your cheeks.

"Do you want me to call Thor?"

"No," you sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes. "He'll just make it another reason why I shouldn't have my own place." You glanced over at Steve, and he was shifting back and forth on his feet with his hands in his pockets like he was unsure about what to do next.

The room remained silent, the only noise being your sniffles and shaky breathing. "Who did you think was at the door?" Steve asked, breaking the silence.

"Excuse me?"

"You said you thought I was him at the door." Steve's eyes traveled to the front door and then back to you. "Are you in some kind of danger?"

You bit your lip, hearing his threat ringing in your ears, staring hard at the floor. "It's a long story."

"I got nowhere else to be," he stated, making you look up at him.

You nodded, sliding over on the couch so he could sit beside you. You let out a shaky breath, not sure where to start this story. "Sorry, do...did you want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm okay, thanks though." He shot you a warm smile, sitting down next to you but still keeping some distance between you.

You cleared your throat, biting your lip. "Where to start...I was in my junior year of nursing school when I met him at a bar called The 9....

"Hottie, five o'clock," Wanda whispered in your ear. You glanced over your shoulder to your five o'clock, and Wanda was right; he was handsome. His hair was cut short on the sides, but the top was the perfect length to run your fingers through, and he had just the right amount of stubble.

"Hey, guess who walked through the door," Sharon teased, tilting her head to the door. You looked over to find Vis. "Wanda, your man crush is here. Go talk to him."

"Not unless YN goes and talks to the five o'clock hottie, which we all know will never happen." Wanda shrugged, and Sharon shot you a knowing look.

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