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"Breaking news! Thousands of people emerged from under Genovia City? The military has been sent to deal with these people, and mass evacuations are underway."

"We go to our reporter in the sky, Kirk. Kirk can you tell us what you're seeing?"

"Yes Dan, it appears that these people have some sort of mutations, from what I can see, there are people with horns and some people shooting god knows what out of their hands and mouths."

"Who are these people?!"

"W-what are they?"

"Look! At the top of OverSky tower!"

A woman wearing a dark red trench coat could be seen emerging onto the terrace of OverSky tower, a mob of those monsters followed behind her. A hood covered her face as she walked to the edge, stepping up onto the railing, her feet perfectly balanced on the round bar.

She slowly slid down her hood, revealing shoulder-length hair that was half-tied up, a clear view of her face could be seen from all the reporter's helicopters.

She looked straight into one of the cameras, this one having live footage of all the events on global television. A smile spread on her face, creeping out the camera man and million other viewers.

One of the monsters, a 7 foot stone man, walked up behind her, handing her a megaphone and backed up slightly.

"Hello world!" She began, her voice echoing in the airspace, "My name is Whisper and I speak for the Abnormals! All these people you see before you and on the streets below, they are Abnormals, we are Abnormals, I am an Abnormal!" She was shouting despite her name, but captivated audiences nonetheless. "Genovia City had concealed many of us away, underground, for decades but now we have emerged and we have a message for the rest of the world."

"Do you have a clear shot?"

"I do."

"Good, wait for my mark."

"We were an imprisoned people, a hidden people, but now we are free, finally free to feel the daylight and no longer feel ashamed to show the world what we can really do. Heed my words, leaders of this nation and beyond, we will no longer quietly hide away. I hereby declare this city, Genovia City, to be a safe haven for all Abnormals."


Like pure coincidence, Whisper had tossed the megaphone up and away from her body, the whole thing exploding from some 'unknown' force. Whisper watched for a moment, her smile turning into a smirk. She didn't even flinch.

"What the hell?!"

Taking that as her cue she hopped off the railing, the stone man walking right behind her as another shot went off, pegging him in the back but he acted like nothing even touched him.

"Damn it!"

"What do we do sir?"

"Head to rendezvous B and regroup, we'll try something else."


The sniper and his partner stood,  going to meet there team that was just a floor below in this parking complex, only to see their men all wrapped up in massive cocoons.

"Shit!" The sniper tried to fire at one of them but ended up thrown against the wall, a mass of sticky sap-like slime making him immobile.

"Were we too late?" The woman, her hands dripping with that sap, asked.

"No," A man, looking like a walking pillar of lava, responded with a smirk, though the lava made it hard to see his expression.

"We should gather them up and turn them into the ARC," Another woman who had bits of hair-like strings dangling out of her mouth, spoke up, "Whisper said that the nearest safe point is 2 blocks over."

The man nodded, the floor beneath him began to melt partially and his body appeared to absorb the now molten concrete, increasing in size. His hands turned obsidian and grew large enough to scoop up the tangled up men. Legs still like lava, he began to sink through the floors, holding all the men in his hands like they were action figures.

"Do we jump in after him?" The sap woman, peered down the hole that was quickly getting deeper and deeper, the lava-man increasing in size as he absorbed the melted cement.

"Hell no, we're taking the stairs." The web woman turned to the nearby staircase, opening the door for her friend.

Meanwhile there were several soldiers running around in the streets, trying to get the normal public organized and safe. The mass evacuation was almost complete, several stragglers located and more shipping buses were parked on the outskirts of the city.


A man with a scar along his jawline turned to his teammate, still keeping note of his surroundings through the chaos. At least most of the Abnormals are in the center of the city, letting the outskirts being semi-safe for normal people.

"We need to head out now! The last bus is about to leave!"

Taking one last look around, the captain found himself looked to OverSky tower that quite literally towered over the city, and the tower that concealed the massive underground compound holding so many Abnormals of so many different ages and sizes.

"Alpha team was unsuccessful."

"Yeah no shit!"

A black hair man stood still, watching one of the monitors in shock. They really tried to kill Whisper.

So many emotions and thoughts were running through his mind.

She looked strong and healthy, and her voice was strong and confident. More color was in her face and her posture was taller and larger. She was a whole knew person from the last time he saw her.

She maintained the haircut he gave her, which almost made him laugh, but it was cleaned up, more even. It looked like it was actually done by a professional. But seeing her with that hairstyle made him think back to that quiet girl with that aura of innocence, now seeing her just exuding confidence.

Exuding power.

"Command, what should we do now?" One of the more uniformed agents, the BEYOND logo only embroidered on his shoulder. His head was completely covered by a helmet and gas mask, making the man feel underdressed. "Understood."

"What did they say?"

"We are leaving, aborting the mission."

"But what about the Project? What about the city?"

"The city had fallen, we are leaving."

The squad collected themselves, cleaning up everything they brought to leave no evidence of their involvement.

"Project Omniscience has won, the city is hers."

This caught that man's attention, "W-what did you say her name was?"

"Hm? The Project?"



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