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Malik Pov: Me and Erick stood in the Basement of our hide out with our rival member.

I looked at the passed out bloody body. "So what we doing with him when he wake up?"

He checked his Apple Watch "killing his ass I don't got time to be waiting for his dumb ass, Ian no sitting duck"

I sighed "no dude we supposed to be getting information then killing him dumb ass"

He walked over to the sink filling a bowl with water "well I'm about to wake his ugly ass up right now I don't got all night"

I nodded "exactly I need to get home"

I walked over to the table grabbing my gun. "Wake him up" he threw the water on the dude making him flop around like a fish out of water

I giggled at the sight "good morning" he looked at us "what do y'all want from me!?"

Erick grabbed pliers "get to talking or I'm breaking your fingers one by one with these" 

he exhaled sharply "do your worse but I ain't telling you where shit is or what I know"

Erick smirked "bet" he walked over the man grabbing his middle fingers and squeezing it with the pliers a crunching sound echoed throughout the room making me cringe

The man let out a extremely loud scream I  looked at him "you wana talk now?" He bit his lip "fuck you go to hell"

I laughed "see you there old bitch" I grabbed the taser placing it on his neck making his whole body shake I smiled at the sight

His body fell limp I finally stopped when I saw a puddle forming underneath him I laughed loudly as my head fell back "Erick he pissed his self" Erick hit my shoulder "pissy bitch you need some depends"

He laid on the floor "FUCK I'll tell you everything just let me go" Erick grabbed a notepad "speak" the man grunted "you know where the elementary school is by that boutique on the corner"

I nodded "yea continue" he slightly sat up "okay behind that school that abandon building is the spot"

Erick looked at him "how I know you not lying?"

He pulled out his phone and slid it to me "I promise I'm not just let me go" I checked the messages seeing it was true "he ain't bluffing" Erick offered him a hand "alright you free to go"

He looked shocked "wait for real ? Y'all shitting me" I smiled "nah we just needed the info now get the fuck out" he quickly got up as soon as he turned Around I let off 2 shots to his head making his body drop.

I reached for the walkie talkie "Aye I need clean up in the basement" a voice echoed over "Rodger over"

Erick took his gloves off "let's go run this past boss then we can dip"

I nodded "bet"

We were all at Alexis house her parents were gone once again so we all sat in the living room playing twister

I currently had one foot on the yellow circle as my right hand sat on the red circle not to mention I was doing a bridge over Billie who only had one hand on the red circle

she whispered "I'll tickle you right now"

I looked down at her "Billie please don't if you do that I'll fall so hard on you this won't be a soft landing"

she looked at me "yeah you definitely have better judgment never mind" I sighed happy she left me alone

Jason and Malik had over girls, Jason had a girl name camryn with him. she was a real sweetheart and soft spoken this was the girl who he had been texting.

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