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Billie POV: me and Autumn relationship well should I say friendship has been on the rocks. We barley talk and when we do it's because we have to

I think everybody has noticed by now me and Lia have been with each other a lot lately. I know I'm supposed to be getting my shit together but it's like autumn was the piece to me now she's gone it's like I need to fill the void

Work has definitely been work they're trying to figure out how to proceed without pissing me off which has been....interesting to watch

I told them do they're worst just not to my people I don't see what's the hold up really. Autumn has been out a lot more with friends or just out in general

Which I'm happy about but not happy about the potential people she could meet. It's just the thought that I was close to making her mine but I fucked up

I'm currently on my way to pick up Lia so we can go on a date. I feel I don't have my shit together I'm not going to bother Autumn with my shit

Malik POV: Me and Jason are riding around right now we're at a red light "so what's up with you and cam?"

He looked out the window "we're taking shit slow you know?? Then he stopped talking freezing

I looked at him to see why he stopped talking and there it was a gun being pointed out the window at us

Before I could react shots hit the car they came so quick I couldn't even process I instantly grabbed my gun but they pulled off.

I quickly pulled away from the street light parking

I looked over "Jason you good!?"

At this point my adrenaline was pumping from anger and because they just shot at me they should've known better than that

He Threw his head back against the seat "yeah I'm good but are you?"

As soon as he said that I felt a pain in my lower right arm I hissed holding the wound

"Ima be straight!"

He shook his head "get out the seat I'm driving"

I opened the door getting out looking at my car shaking my head looking at the bullet holes in my car "I'm killing they asses for real I'm pissed this was Westside it had to be!!"

Jason got in closing the door "I just wish you would leave this street shit alone like really"

I sighed "it's not that easy"

He shook his head "you need to call Billie about this shit get this taken care of cause if I would've gotten hit then what? This shit don't even got nothing to do with me I would've been wrong place wrong time?"

I looked at my arm applying pressure it only being a bullet graze thankfully I grabbed my phone going to call Billie

Autumn pov: Me Jasmine and Sadie are all having lunch Sadie is a new friend of mine. We've been getting to know each other more which I can't say I'm disappointed about

She shows me a good time every time I'm with her and she listens to me. We were seated by the entrance laughing and talking amongst each other

The door opened as Billie and Lia walked in I coughed on my drink making Billie look over at me she observed who I was with

Her eyes landed on Sadie she made a confused face grabbing lias hand

As they walked over to us Lia smiled "oh hey guys I didn't know you would be here!"

Jasmine looked up looking unimpressed "hey and yeah who would've thought"

I waved as Sadie grabbed my free hand making Billie give me a 'wtf look

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