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Autumn pov: I woke up alone in bed which was weird because it's a school day and me and Billie gets ready together every morning.

I checked my phone which read a message from Billie saying "picked up Sophie for school see you at school"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the message as I called Jasmine into my room

she walked in halfway dressed for school "what's up? Where's Billie?"

I passed her the phone letting her message her jaw dropped "the fuck? Why would Sophie ass need a ride her dad has about 7 cars and they have a chauffeur"

I let go of a breath "you know what I'm not about to stress it me and her aren't together"

Jasmine hit my shoulder "what does that mean? She treats you like a girlfriend and would be mad if you did the same thing,don't downplay your feelings they're valid"

I nodded my head "you know what you're right thanks for that jas"

she nodded her head hugging me "we have to drop off alayzia Billie took the car she was supposed to drive to school"

I hugged her back for a while then stepped back to finish getting ready "okay cool, I think I'm going to try out for the cheer team"

Jasmine clipped her hair up with a hair claw looking in the big body mirror "I'm trying out with you then"

I looked in my closet for clothes to try out in "bet let's meet in the gym during lunch to practice"

she started walking to the door "okay"

Once we got to school we had to go straight to class because we were a few minutes late from dropping off alayzia.

we all parted ways well except me and Malik when we walked in Billie sat with Sophie

while erick, Jen and Alexis sat in they're usual spots looking at them confused

me and malik walked to the back making our friends get a little louder than intended this made Billie and Sophie look back

once Billie made eye contact with me I rolled my eyes at her she looked at me confused and pointed to the hallway

I got up going into the hallway shortly Billie followed

she instantly walked up to me trying to kiss me I put my hand on her chest halting her movement

she looked down at my hand then back at me "what's your problem?"

I moved my hands then spoke "since when did you and Sophie become the best of friends?"

she laughed "is that why you're acting like this?"

I nodded my head "yeah because we're supposed to be moving forward not backwards how did I go from fighting her because she was jealous over you to you picking her up?"

she sighed looking annoyed and unbothered with what I was saying "I'm sorry"

I pushed her "you're only saying that because you want to shut me up! What if I said I don't accept that shitty apology"

she shrugged "then you just don't? I don't know what more you want"

I felt my eyes burning as tears started to poke at my eyes "I just want you to stop saying things you don't mean I want you to stop playing with my feelings and heart, i'm human too you know?"

her face changed as she held a expression I couldn't read I wasn't about to stick around to try to read into it

I walked into the classroom blinking my eyes to try to clear any possible tears

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