Skater Boy -{Kyouhaba}

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Date<3: so r we meeting at 9 tonight?

Shigeru: Yh, we r

That had been four hours ago.

It was now ten at night, in winter, and Yahaba was still standing outside the restaurant he had been supposed to meet his so-called date at. He had been stood up. He wanted to cry. In fact, he probably was. He could feel his shoulders shaking and his bottom lip quivering. 

Watari had warned him. He had told him that he was going to be stood up if he went.  He had warned Yahaba that his date was just some dick who'd flirt with him and then leave him to get his heart shattered. Watari had sent a few texts in the past hour, asking if the guy had shown up. Yahaba had left him on read.

Oikawa had been worried about him. He had told Yahaba to call him if he needed to get out of there but Yahaba didn't want to. He looked up to him too much. He couldn't stand the idea of seeing the look on Oikawa's' face. The look of pity and sympathy. The look he didn't want Oikawa to give him.

The worst part was how he had dressed up for it. He was wearing his favourite outfit - one he'd only wear when out with his friends or people he liked. And now he had been stood up.

So here he was. Standing outside a restaurant, with a chain necklace, loose t-shirt, fishnet sleeves, tight ripped jeans, with fishnet stockings underneath, and then converse shoes. And now he was actually crying. Now tears actually fell down his face. He was now getting upset. Really upset.

He wanted to throw something, so he picked up a pebble, about the size of his palm and hurled it across the empty road. It soared through the air and landed in a garden bush opposite him. Then he collapsed on the sidewalk, bringing his knees up to his face and he started sobbing uncontrollably.

What he didn't notice was the fact he had nearly thrown the pebbled into the face of Kyoutani Kentaro who, at that moment, had been skating home from the gym. His first reaction was to grab another pebble and hurl it back but, when he looked up, he just saw Yahaba collapse to the ground. Awkwardly, he took out an earbud and started to hear the setter sobbing loudly.

He didn't know why, but it broke his heart.

Actually, that was a lie. He knew exactly why it broke his heart. Because he was such a fucking simp. He didn't want to be, believe him, but there was something about Yahaba that made his heart race. It was, honestly, why he was so mean to him. He didn't want his heart to be shattered simply because he had the misfortune to fall in love with the shallowest asshole in school.

So, naturally, he stopped his skateboard and picked it up from the ground. Glancing to each side, he crossed the road and sat down next to Yahaba, who hadn't noticed him yet.

For a long moment, he debated whether to say anything at all. Yahaba was still crying. Then, he awkwardly cleared his throat, deciding to get his attention. Instantly, Yahaba jumped and pulled back, his eyes widening upon seeing Kyoutani.

"K-Kyoutani!" He yelped, staring at the uncharacteristically concerned boy. Quickly, he turned away wiping his eyes. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"Well," Kyoutani shrugged. "Some bastard threw a rock at me and then started crying. Wondering if you knew something about it."

Yahaba laughed weakly and shook his head. "Sorry," He sighed. "I was just... upset."

Kyoutani hummed slightly. "I can see that. What happened?"

The setter sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I just... I had a date and he... stood me up..."

Kyoutani's' jaw dropped. For a second, he expected Yahaba to say he was joking but, obviously, he wasn't. And then he realised he needed to comfort him. So, ignoring the large ball of jealousy beginning to squirm in his gut, he blurted out the first thing that came to his head. "Who in their right mind would stand you up when you look like this?" Yahaba stared at him dumbly and Kyoutani registered what he had just said. Shit.

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