Blossom - {Levyaku}

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Although Tokyo was a roaring city, it was still beautiful. Not to mention the woods behind Nekoma High School was full of cherry blossom trees that bloomed in spring. And Yaku loved being able to walk through the woods to get to his house. He had made himself a private well-trekked path during his past three years at Nekoma that he had purposely walked so it hid amongst the trees like it was in a fairytale. He had always been one for more western things, and the idea of perfect princes and princesses playing in flowing robes in the blossom trees along the path he had made always helped him feel better after hard volleyball practise.

In fact, sometimes he'd leave a little late to make sure no one else knew about it. A private space just for him was exactly what he wanted. Besides, Lev always asked to walk home with him and he wasn't about to ruin his perfect trail with a tall, loud, annoying Russian.

Lev was stupid anyway. Screw Lev, with his dumb height and dumb smile and dumb laugh and dumb green eyes and dumb hair and dumb admiration of almost everything Yaku did and his dumb way of making Yaku think about him even when he wasn't there. Stupid, dumb Lev. Screw him.

Yaku was so caught up with his thoughts about stupid Lev that he didn't even notice he was leaving on time that day after practice. And, naturally, Lev was dying to talk to him.

It wasn't Lev's fault that Yaku happened to be so incredibly cute, with his cute height and cute smile and cute laugh and cute brown eyes and cute hair and cute confidence in his exceptional abilities and his cute way of making Lev lie awake for hours just thinking about him.

In all honesty, the last thing Lev expected to do was get a crush on the meanest senpai in probably the whole of Nekoma but he did. Yaku just managed to seem so adorable that it genuinely surprised Lev sometimes when no one else seemed infatuated with the libero.

So, Lev chased after Yaku, desperate to talk to him.

"Hey, Yaku-san!" He called out brightly, only to find himself ignored.

Lev was used to this and knew exactly what to do. Keep following Yaku until he snapped at him and then start up a conversation that Yaku would reluctantly continue. It worked all the time, so Lev brightly followed a little behind the third-year, waiting for him to break.

However, Yaku kept walking, strolling across Nekoma High School's' field and opening a gate that led into the forest.

"Uh, Yaku-san?" Lev asked, wondering if Yaku just hadn't heard him, but Yaku grunted thoughtfully and kept going.

Well, he must've noticed me, thought Lev, and he's letting me follow him!

So, being the good kouhai he was, he strolled after Yaku, about to walk down the main path through the woods when Yaku made a sudden turn. Lev stopped himself and caught up with him, wondering where he was going.

Then he looked around him properly and felt his jaw drop. Even though he had run through this forest a dozen times, he had never seen it like this. The sun made every pink petal look angelic and the smooth wood of the trees glowed. The light the made it through the petals was dyed a hazy shade of pink and it seemed serene and peaceful. And Yaku was letting him walk here.

"Wow," Lev breathed loudly. "This is beautiful."

Still, Yaku gave him the silent treatment.

"Has this always been here? It's so pretty."


"Honestly, it's just gorgeous. And it smells nice. That's the blossoms, isn't it?"

Yaku stopped walking and reached up to a low-down branch, bending it closer to him and smelling the blossoms with a thoughtful hum. He still didn't look at Lev or talk to him, but he had obviously responded, so he knew Lev was there, right?

Lev got the vibe that Yaku was trying to walk in silence with him. Maybe he had a big secret he wanted to confess and was trying to set the right mood for it. 

But then Lev noticed something that made him panic.

Yaku had earphones in. He couldn't hear him. Lev had just followed his senpai, who wasn't listening to him in the slightest, down probably a very sentimental route in the forest and had been talking to him like a loud idiot. Shit.

Just as he realised this, he managed to trip and fell in front of Yaku who screeched and kicked him instinctively.

"Ouch!" Lev whined.

"L-Lev?!" Shrieked Yaku, at a shockingly high pitch. "What the-?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

Lev thought for a second. "It's hard to explain..."

"Were you trying to stalk me?!"

"Huh? No!"

"Then why the hell are you trying to follow me home?!"

Lev hesitated. "I thought you were letting me follow you-"


"I can explain!" Lev promised, jumping up from the floor.

Yaku crossed his arms, pulling out his earphones. "It better be good, or I'm gonna kick your ass all the way to France."

"So, you were leaving practise and I went to talk to you," Lev began awkwardly. "And then you ignored me, so I kept talking to you and was waiting until you spoke but you kept ignoring me and I thought maybe he's taking me somewhere but doesn't want to say anything, then you came down here and then I just noticed you were listening to music then I tripped."

Yaku stared. "That's your excuse?"

"Please don't kick me all the way to France."

The libero seemed to think it over then sighed. "I'm not gonna kick you to France, Lev... That's exactly the sort of stupid thing you would do."

The first year breathed out in relief but knew he wasn't safe yet. "Should I- uhm, should I head back?"

Yaku looked away from the tall idiot, angry at the way his cheeks went red when he said, "No, you can keep walking with me if you want. Not like it matters."

"Really, Yaku-san? Do you mean it? Thank you!"

"Don't get too excited about it, it's not that big of a deal," Yaku grunted hurriedly, beginning to walk away swiftly, hoping that if he ignored his blush, Lev would ignore it too. "Besides I'm just walking home, not that big of a deal."

Lev happily began to trot behind him and Yaku began to think again. Stupid Lev, with his stupid height and stupid smile and stupid laugh and stupid green eyes and stupid hair and stupid admiration of almost everything Yaku did and his stupid way of making Yaku think about him even when he wasn't there. Dumb, stupid Lev. Screw him.

As the two began to walk along the blossom path, Yaku felt something in his hand and he looked down with a frown, only to see another hand in it. He followed the mystery hands' arm only to find it attached to dumb, stupid Lev, who smiled nervously at him.

Yaku went bright red and looked away, squeezing Lev's' hand. "Idiot," He hissed grouchily. "Ask next time."

"Sorry, Yaku-san," Lev laughed awkwardly. "I can let go if you want."

Yaku hesitated. "No. Don't let go. Just shut up and keep walking."

Lev seemed to grow twice in size with pride and excitement and began to swing their hands back and forth like a little child. Yaku hid his smile with his free hand. Dumb, stupid, adorable Lev. Yaku couldn't help but love him.

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