Oh -{Arankita}

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Background Osasuna

Warnings! Background underage drinking, committed by the Miya twins! It isn't focused on too much but just be aware! This isn't timeskipped and the legal drinking age in Japan is twenty.

"Hey, Aran! Kita!" Atsumu shouted loudly at the end of practise one day, as the two third years were beginning to leave, Osamu trailing behind him. "Wait a sec!"

They stopped and turned around, to see the second years bunched up with a grin.

"What is it, Atsumu?" Kita asked.

Osamu sighed. "'Tsumu's decided he wants to throw a party for the team tonight because we just got a text that our parents are gone for the weekend. Ren's said no, so-"

"You two in?" Atsumu asked brightly, interrupting his brother.

Aran turned to Kita, who looked up at him and shrugged. "I don't have anything else going on tonight. But I might leave earlier than the others," The captain told the twins.

"I'll come too," Aran said. "To keep you all out of trouble."

Suna nudged Atsumu and Osamu. "He's talking about you two."

The twins both glared at him and Suna snickered. Aran glanced at Kita again and smiled softly at him, even though he wasn't paying any attention to him.

It had seemed to always be like this. Fond glances, acts of kindness and a happy smile were common from Aran whenever Kita was involved. He just loved him so much and he knew Kita cared about the team, even is he couldn't show it well. Besides, Aran had seen Kita smile and he had heard his laugh. How could anyone not fall in love after that?

As he followed the team to the twins' house, he got distracted just by thinking about him. Kita was just too amazing, it wasn't fair.

The party was quite average, but the second years definitely had fun. If anything, it was less of a party and more of a large sleepover without anyone actually staying over.

It went past so quickly that when Kita stood up to go, Aran felt like he had barely talked to him.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Aran offered quickly, following him out to the front door, where Kita was preparing to leave. "It's pretty dark out there."

"No, Aran, but thank you for your offer," Kita said politely, zipping up his jacket tightly. "I should be fine."

Aran hesitated, wanting Kita to stay but not knowing how to say it.

Kita's' eyes shined, the way they did when he was smiling without his mouth. "If you are that worried about me, I will text you when I get back."

"Okay, sure. That's good," Aran smiled back. "Well, I'll wait for your text."

His eyes kept shining and the smallest smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Goodbye."


Kita nodded and then the captain left the party, leaving his friend standing in the twins' hallway, watching him go until the door closed.

That was when Suna cleared his throat from behind him, making the ace jump.

"You're obvious, y'know," He said. "Just ask him out."

Aran looked to Suna, then turned back to the front door. "Well... I may be obvious with how I feel, but he isn't obvious with how he feels. Besides, the team doesn't need their ace and captain to date. It'll just get complicated." Not letting Suna say another word, he left the middle blocker alone, walking back into the living room where the party was going on, as if it was oblivious to Kita's' absence.

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