Challenges -{Terushou}

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Honestly, just a lot of soft Terushou because I am content-starved... This involves a small time skip at the end, but it's not a massive one, so don't worry.

Out of everything in his life, Terushima probably loved his grandfather the most. But a very, very close second was his boyfriend.

How could someone not love Daishou? He was hot, pretty and surprisingly easy to fluster. His sense of humour was amazingly cynical and he had once tried to make Terushima adopt every snake in a pet shop, even though he already had two pet snakes. 

The third thing that he loved was TikTok 'boyfriend' challenges. He loved to watch them, it was cheap humour and entertainment that he'd regularly scroll through instead of doing his homework. Whether the couple was lesbian, two guys, straight or starred some gender-neutral people, he'd watch it. That was probably what gave him the idea to start trying out these challenges on his lovely boyfriend.

Obviously, he didn't want to do any of the toxic ones - Daishou had short patience with those kinds of things. But wholesome pranks were most likely going to go down fine.

So he started to research all the wholesome pranks he could find. Hugging them until they tell you to let go, getting them to take off your hoodie without saying a word, giving them a random nickname out of nowhere: the list went on and on but he managed to settle it down to just those three for now.

And so Terushima began his quest of TikTok challenges.

Challenge One: Hugging Daishou until he makes you let him go.

Terushima was over at Daishou's' house in Tokyo for the weekend. His parents, surprisingly, trusted Daishou and believed he would be responsible enough to look after him. Probably a big mistake because it was Daishou's' idea to buy ten large cakes from the bakery section of the supermarket, just so they could see how much they could eat in one night.

They were sitting on Daishou's' bedroom floor and three cakes were completely gone with another two half-devoured. Five were left untouched. Terushima couldn't think of a better time to do the challenge.

Subtly, he snuck up until he was sitting right next to his boyfriend, then wrapped his arms tightly around the older boy.

"Well, I guess this is happening now," Joked Daishou, trying to awkwardly change his position so he could hug him back. "Are you tired or something? Did you have a sugar crash?"

"Nah," Terushima said. "I'm not tired and still very much on a sugar high."

Daishou grunted then lied across Terushima's' chest. "I think I've just had a sugar crash, I feel exhausted and it's only eight."

"Aww, poor baby," Terushima laughed.

He felt someone elbow his gut lightly.

"Don't call me that, it makes me sound lame."

Terushima frowned. "You call me that all the time, though."

Daishou glanced up at him with an evil grin. "Oh, I know."

With an offended gasp, Terushima hugged Daishou closer. "Oh, darling, you wound me! Such a fatal, devastating blow, how can I recover?"

"By not being so dramatic," Daishou laughed, rolling over so his head rested in his boyfriend's lap and he was looking up into his face. He stuck out his tongue.

"Damn, you're pretty," Mumbled Terushima with a soft sigh.

"What was that?"

"I said, damn, you're petty," He lied smoothly.

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