Chapter 4: New Faces

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After yesterday I make sure to be at school today. I can't wait until graduation then I don't have to put up with this shit. If it wasn't for Thea I would have already quit going.

"Sweetie come eat" Thea yells.

"Coming" I yell back. I finish fixing my hair and go downstairs to eat.

"Don't forget you have to go to the charity gala tonight" Thea reminds me as she places my food in front of me.

"Do I have to go" I practically whine.

"Yes you must this is you're mothers charity you must go" she says strongly

"Of course, is my dress ready" I ask already knowing what's in store.

"Yes it will be here later on today along with everything else you will need" she says

"Okay well I better go now or else I'll be late" I stand up giving her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my bag and getting into my red BMW.

As I pull into the parking lot of school I get this weird tingling feeling like someone is watching or trying to read my mind. I put my shield up blocking whoever it may be and start looking around not seeing anyone I climb out of my car and lock up.

"Raven why weren't you here yesterday you missed a quiz in history" my friend Gabrielle says as she walks up to me.

"I wasn't feeling well" I tell her. You would think with me being extremely rich I would have a lot of friends but seeing as how I slay vampires in my spare time, so its not exactly a topic up for discussion with people who know nothing of them.

"You've been sick a lot lately are you sure you're okay" she ask and I can sense her emotions that she is concerned. I'm about to answer when a conversation from the far right of me catches my attention.

"She's the one with the long dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes standing next to the short red head" says the brown haired guy. Judging by the people around us and there small description they can only be talking about me.

"Hello earth to Raven have you even been listening to me" Gabby ask as we start walking to class.

"Yes of course finishing telling me about our new transfers. Half listening I drift to hear the two boys but from the distance were at and the noise of everyone coming in and getting ready for class its hard to hear. From where I am not familiar with their voices I can't link directly to their voice. When I finally do catch I drift of them talking I only get a little of what they were saying.

"Are you sure she is who Lucas was speaking of" one of them says before their voices get blurred again.

That leaves me with two questions who the hell is Lucas and what does he want with me. I go to my first class being science with Mr. Johnson who hates me. I take my seat as he begins to call names, my senses come on hi alert when I see the what I realize now are twins who were speaking of me come walking in and take seats not to far from me.

"Raven Kingsman" I hear Mr. Johnson call my name

"Present" I say causing him to look up.

"So you've decided to come today" he says

"Well I realized how lonely I was not seeing you so I figured what the hay why not come today" I say with a sweet smile, most of the classmates are used to our little banter but judging by the twins face they don't.

"Why don't you enlighten me as to why you weren't here yesterday and please spare me the you were out sick card please" he says and wanting to mess with the twins.

"Well I was in my gym working out and then I got ready for school but while I was eating I seen something on the news so I went hunting killed three vampires, stopped off at yourself made a sandwich sorry for the mess by the way" I say and all the students crack up laughing except the twins who keep staring as though I've lost my mind.

"Please Raven if you're going to lie make it believable" Mr. Johnson says. Figures the one time I tell the truth and no one believes me.

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