Chapter 4. Quest of Unknown

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Aerona stirred herself up from her sleep and found herself on a bed. 'How did I-?' she mumbled to herself when the door opened and came in the elf she had encountered.

And now was she able to properly see the face of the elf who had taken her in.

A truly handsome face to behold. His thin blue lips parted to say 'How do you do?' to which she replied 'Will do quite well when I know where I am and who you are'.

'Certainly young miss. I'm Tyrill and as you had guessed before, an elf of the Mardork Woods of the North at your humblest service' he said bowing. 'I found you in great peril and couldn't stay back watching so I helped you'.

'Helped me from what?' she asked clueless.

He raised his eyebrows.

Aerona swiftly remembered the incident that happened in Rudark and how the men were about to kill her.

'Did you kill them?' she asked looking up at him. 'No my dear lady' he replied 'Why do you ask?'.

'I wanted to kill them...' she murmured. 'So you are telling me that it was a mistake saving you?' he replied taken aback.

'No Tyrill. Thank you for saving me. The problem is I wanted to kill them because they had killed my family' she replied biting down her pain.

'You mean your family of Almeris?' he asked

'My family of what?' she asked bewildered.

'Almeris. Human beings born with wings' he said calmly.

She gaped at him.

'So you didn't know you were an Almeris?' he asked to which she shook her head confused.

Tyrill stared at her bewildered.

But later he pulled a chair and sat down and began 'You are a being gifted with wings. They are called Almeris. You most likely come from the then Kingdom of Almeria land of the Almeris. But what I do not understand is why you would live in a horrid village as that of Rudark who kills every beings that are different from them'.

'I- ah hid my identity. My adoptive parent who were- um humans hid me from them' she replied 'How did you save me?' she asked.

'I was on a journey back to my Kingdom of Mardork when I had reached the village and saw you about to get killed. I recognized you as an Almeris and was quite taken aback' he said looking straight at her.

'Why?' she asked feeling red. 'Because King Agarius never allowed an Almeris to fly away or escape from his clutches so it was very odd seeing an Almeri among the human kind' replied Tyrill.

Aerona looked down the wooden boards thoughtfully.

'Why did you save me?' she asked finally.

'I cannot let you die by those crazy men' he replied pointing at the window.

'Why did they not kill you if they hated beings outside their own blood race?' she asked raising her eyebrows.

'They would never dare touch a hair of an elf. Elves are strong and cunning. If they had killed me, war would have erupted in that village, as I am- uhh well a traveller of...the great king' he said with a hint of pride.

'I see...' trying to swallow the whole truth.

'So what happens to me?' she asked remembering of her delimma.

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