2) Beckendorf POV

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(Three weeks ago)
"Luke, this is a bad idea." I say flatly, looking into the blue eyes of my best friend.  He sighed and looked out the window of his apartment in Elysium.
"I have to go." He said wistfully "I need to apologize. I need to see..."
"I know you want to apologize Luke, but all of them will be down here at some point."
Luke muttered something under his breath I didn't understand, then turned to look at me. That's when it hit me, Thalia.
"Luke," I sighed
"I need to see her again."
"But is going through Tartarus really the best way?"
"IT'S THE ONLY WAY!" He was yelling now, tears streaming down his face. "AND I'VE BEEN THROUGH TARTARUS, AND I'D DO IT AGAIN TO SEE THEM!"
"If I can't stop you, then I will have to go with you." I said
"No," he said "I can't put you through that."
"If it isn't too dangerous for you then it isn't too dangerous for me." I announced.
"I can't do that to you." He replied
"Then you can't do it to yourself." I pressed
"I have to." He insisted
"Then you can't stop me from coming with you."
"Beckendorf no." He said
"Beckendorf yes" I shot back "it's either we all go, or no one does. Your choice Luke, I really don't care."
"I..." his voice broke "I have to go."
"Then I have to go too." I said, "we'll leave tomorrow." I tried to sound upbeat, as much as I wanted to see my friends again, I was content in Elysium. I pushed down that thought and walked to my apartment, to prepare for the journey ahead of me.

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