💚 Purple Gang 💚

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My phone began to ring as I sat explaining to the boys what had happened with Ayden.
"One minute." I smiled, lifting my phone to my ear, "hello?"
"Hey, what's wrong with Ayden?" the voice spoke, it was Josh.
I sighed as I started to speak, "He overheard me talking to Juicy."
"Oh." he muttered, "I see. Well, Gaege told me your theory and honestly, I think you could be right. I'll talk to him! He might come around!"
"Thank you." I smiled, both of us hanging up. I sighed and wandered back into the room where all of the boys sat looking at me.
"Everything sorted?" Drew asked, myself nodding as I took a seat besides Eric.

Soon, a nurse wandered in, a smile plastered on her face.
"We have some news." she smiled, Eric sitting up in excitement, "you will be discharged tomorrow morning!"
"Really?!" Drew beamed, standing up from his seat, "that's great!"
"Yeah." Eric smiled, "thanks!"
With this, the nurse smiled once more, before walking out.
"I'm going home tomorrow, boys!" Eric shouted in happiness, us cheering in response.
"I'll call Gollum, let him know." Drew smiled, pulling out his phone and walking outside.
"I'll go with you." Dom spoke, winking at me and leaving myself and Eric.
"So..." I muttered awkwardly.
"Yes." he smiled, myself frowning, "yes, I like Smashing."
My eyes widened as he said this before I hugged my friend in excitement.
"You need to tell him!" I told him, Eric nodding. With this, Drew and Dom walked back in smiling, obviously they had been listening in.
"Heard that, did you?" I laughed, the two giggling like children.
"Naughty, naughty, listening to us." Eric smirked, all of us laughing.

Soon enough, the next day soon arrived. All of us had had no sleep due to how excited we were.
"I can't wait." Was all Eric would say. Eddie was going to pick us up, while the others prepared the house for him.
"You excited to see Smashing?" Drew winked, helping his friend out of bed to go, "you two might need to sleep in the same room."
"I wouldn't say no." Eric smiled, all of us awing and laughing in response. As he said this, my phone began to buzz, myself picking it up in response to see it was Eddie telling me he was outside, waiting for us.
"You ready?" I smiled, holding onto his side as he balanced himself on his feet.
"Born ready, baby!" Eric laughed, walking to the door. When we got outside, Eddie was sat singing and dancing along to something in the car, all of us laughing at him. When we got closer to the car, he noticed and stopped dancing (if that's what you'd call it) and sat, staring at the steering wheel, awkwardly.
"H-hey." He muttered, myself sitting beside him with the others in the back. 
"Alright, Beyoncé." Drew laughed, fastening his seat belt whilst Eddie huffed.
"It was Eminem." He muttered, all of us laughing further.

As we drove home, I could see Eric looking more and more nervous the closer we got.
"You okay, Swags?" I frowned, turning to see him, everyone doing the same.
"Yeah." He smiled, though I could tell by his eyes he wasn't, "just nervous about going in there."
"Don't worry about it, dawg!" Eddie exclaimed, turning a corner, "you're one of us now, fool!"
"Thanks, Eddie." Eric smiled, Eddie grinning as he continued to drive.

As we got home, Eddie parked his car by Gaege's, leading Eric to the front doors. After turning corner and corner, we laughed and got along until Dom and Eddie stopped in their tracks.
"What is it?" Eric frowned, turning to the front doors, his eyes widening. Drew and I turned and looked at the same time, before turning to look at each other in worry.
"Purple Gang!" Eddie snarled, storming towards the house, gun in hand as we all followed. Pushing the already-open door, we piled into the house before standing in formation, locking eyes with the enemy. Lannan. In his hands, he held someone by his neck, a gun to his head. He was bloody and tied up, looking too tired to fight back. Behind him sat all of the others, equally as beaten, with Tannar watching the group. I looked back to the boy in Lannan's arms, a tear running down my cheek, synchronizing with his.
"Gaege." I sobbed.

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