💚 'I've Made My Decision!' 💚

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The sound of buzzing and ringing caused me to stir as I slowly opened my eyes. As I did so, I noticed Juicy was no longer besides me.
"Juicy... Juicy?!" I called, panicking at what could have happened to him.
"He's making breakfast!" Fairybread called from the next room, making me sigh in relief. I then picked up my phone, checking why it was buzzing like crazy.
"Oh god." I sighed, standing up and rushing downstairs.
"Guys!" I called, Josh and Juicy (who were cooking in the kitchen) turned to me, both looking worried.
"What's going on?!" Juicy asked, putting the plates down and rushing towards me.
"They're asking where I am! I've got texts and missed calls. They're going crazy!"
I showed the boys my phone, their eyes widening with worry.

Swagger 20 missed calls
Lazerbeam 21 missed calls
YUNGBLUD 27 missed calls
T Party 18 missed calls
Chosen One 30 missed calls

Swagger -
Midget where are you?!


Please answer me!

Where are you?!

Chosen One-
Where are you, Midget?!

Have you ran away again?!

Do Green Gang have you?!

Midget, please come home...

Midget, we're going to look for you!

I won't stop looking till I find you!

Come home, please...

Tears prick my eyes as I read message after message.
"They're coming?!" Juicy exclaimed, "what are we going to do?!"
"Midget, we need to hide you!" Josh told me, grabbing onto my shoulders. I nodded through my tears before grabbing onto Juicy who pulled me upstairs.
"We'll hide you in our secret room." He told me, pulling me up the second flight of stairs.
"Where is it? The library." I scoffed, stopping for breath as I reached the top step.
"No." Juicy laughed, "it's in our weapon's room."
We were now stood outside of a metal door. Juicy pressed his ring onto the reader which then let him in, Juicy dragging me in, also. I looked around to see guns and knives and shields and just every weapon you could think of. Of course, it as just like ours, but it looked a lot cooler!
"Nice." I smirked before following Juicy to an ordinary-looking knife laid on one of the metal shelves. He moved to the back of the knife and put his finger print on the back of it, causing a creaking to be heard behind me. I looked to see a small passage way had been opened in the corner of the room.
"Sick!" I exclaimed, running over and getting down to crawl. It wasn't too long of a hallway and we eventually got to a small room, which would be just able to fit all of Green Gang in. Juicy sealed the hallway with another fingerprint reader.

After around five minutes, I could hear shouting coming from down stairs. I knew it was Drew's voice.
"Where is she?!" His voice echoed.
"She's not here, mate!" Fairybread shouted back, "why would we have her here?! Now go! Now!"
"If we find out she was here you're all dead!" He shouted before I could hear a slam. The sound made me jump a little, causing Juicy to hold me tighter.
"I hate that I've upset them." I muttered, snuggling into his shoulder.
"I know." He sighed, "but there's nothing else we can do."
Soon, I heard shifting where the doorway was. Juicy sat up a little, crawling closer to the door which soon opened. Two faces were present in the darkness, which I could tell were Josh and Fairybread.
"Come on, they're gone." Josh smiled, crawling back out with Juicy and I following.
"What am I going to do?" I sighed, when I was out of the hall.
"I don't know." Josh sighed, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my back.
"I know you love them, but you can't ignore what they did. We'll look after you, I swear." Fairybread smiled, Josh nodding, a light blush clear on his face. I frowned, but chose to ignore it.
"I-I still need time to think, please." I muttered, the two nodding, understandingly.

We then wandered downstairs to eat breakfast as my stomach growled like crazy.
"Here you go." Juicy smirked, handing me a plate of food.
"Thanks." I smiled, taking it from him. He sat besides me, glancing to me every now and then.
"Juicy, she's not going to choke on her food, you don't need to keep checking on her." Josh laughed, sitting in front of me.
"Might choke on his food though." Fairybread muttered, sitting besides us, making both Josh and I choke on our food.
"See, she might!" Juicy exclaimed to Josh whilst patting my back.
"I'm fine." I coughed, taking a drink. Fairybread was sat giggling, Josh's cheeks, once again, glowing red.
"Was it just Chosen One who came?" I asked after a while.
"No, YUNGBLUD and Swagger came too." Eddie sighed, wandering into the kitchen to grab a pancake.
"I miss them." I muttered, the boys looking at me, sorrowfully.
"We're sorry, Midget." Josh sighed, standing up and walking over to give me a hug.
"Guys." I sighed, putting my dishes in the sink.
"Yeah?" They frowned, in unison. As they did, Narrator, Smashing and Tans walked in. I saw Smashing limping as he clutched his cane.
"I've made my decision." I spoke, everyone turning to me, their eyes wide.
"Midget, you don't need to make your decision now if you don't want t-" Josh began to speak but stopped when I spoke once more.
"I'm... I'm joining Green Gang!"

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