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You're finally betraying your own brother. Nayuta had no choice but to make him surrender in your own hands, or else he'll cause harm not only to you, but to Kaito and everyone else around you.

"Nayuta, it's not too late to surrender. Come on, man. Look, I will surrender with you, let's go to jail together. We don't have to fight like this." you tried to feign a smile as you slowly approached Nayuta, tiptoeing your way towards him and leaving Katsuki behind.

Truth to be told, you hated Nayuta to death, he killed your family after all, and almost driving you to go crazy at that point. Your blood would boil just seeing the sight of him near you but you can't deny the pity you felt for him, he was neglected all his life and he kept on clinging to you, whom he really thought as someone dear to him.

"Oi, (y/n)." Katsuki called out to you, to stop you but you simply ignored his calls for you.

You couldn't take your eyes away from Nayuta's wings, like those of devil's it was a beautiful crimson colored wings. Nayuta was deprived of love, but it doesn't mean it was a free pass for him to hurt anyone. If he's going down. You wanted to go down with him too as you bear the same sins as he has. You felt the heavy responsibility of being his only family.

Katsuki grabbed your arms and made you turn towards him, his angry, distressed eyes met yours, which made you smile. You simply pat your hands over his before you muttered, "can you promise me that you'll visit me more often in Tartarus?"

Katsuki was left frozen.

Of course he had thought about it so many times but whether you helped him or not, you're still going to prison after what you did all these time. It doesn't matter if you're someone who saved him, in everybody's eyes, you were a villain and you won't be able to fit into society as a normal person.

Villains and Heroes, titles matter. Villains were perceived as evil, and the ones that cause distress and chaos for normal citizens. Of course you'd know what people will think of you after this mess. You won't blame them though, you knew you were someone who is used to be hated at. A fugitive, a villain.

Katsuki balled his fists, gritting his teeth tightly out of frustration. He let out a tired grin before he pushed you towards Nayuta's direction, "I'm going to check on you everyday until you get pissed seeing my face."

Though Katsuki said that, he wasn't going to give up on you either. He plans to get you out of Tartarus even if it's the last thing he does. But for now, he's going to let you go temporarily.

You smirked before you sent him a small wink, "you love me too much, sparky." you scoffed before turning away from him.

Nayuta stood there silently, watching you walk towards him as if he was expecting you to. His smile faded after he saw you stare at him coldly, he felt his chest hurt but the painful throb of his heart wasn't visible on his face.

"Nayuta." you hugged your brother, without any contempt in your heart and for the first time, a sincere one, "let's give up, yeah?"

Every single villain was starting to get apprehended by the heroes. They're starting to lose numbers due to heroes getting involved. Your allies, the villains, Nayuta treated as pawns were taken down one by one.

Nayuta tried to shake you off away from him but you bind him around your arms tightly to stop him from moving. His wings tried to flap his attempt to break free was futile. You pulled a feather that turned into a dagger in a swift and buried it on his stomach, and to his surprise, he started to feel the indescribable pain resonating from his abdomen.

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