The De-Vil Wears Puppies

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Having successfully captured Doug and Delilah, Cruella placed the Dalmatian parents into the back of her car and drove off leaving 101 Dalmatian Street. 

Meanwhile, Kali and Charlie were still making their escape with Dylan, Dolly, and the rest of the pups through the tunnel that would hopefully lead them to safety. 

"Are we sure everyone made it out?" Charlie asked. 

Kali did a quick head count with her fingers. "Dieter, Dalmar, Diesel, Debbie-May, Debbie-Lou, Debbie-Lee, Dante, Daphne, Dawkins, Deepak, Delgado, DJ, Triple D... Yep, they're all here" She confirmed. 

"And Da Vinci?" Charlie asked in concern. 

"Yep, she got out. I made sure of it" The adventure girl nodded, knowing how much Charlie cared for the artistic pup. 

The two humans continued crawling through the tunnel that would lead them to the park along with Dylan and Dolly. 

"NOOOOO!" Dolly cried as Dylan had been forced to drag her along down the tunnel. "We can't just abandon Mom and Dad!"

"I'm with you on that, Dolls. But we don't have much of a choice" Kali frowned to the female Dalmatian. 

"I hear you too, sis" Dylan added to his step sister with reasoning. "But they want us to stay with the pups" 

Just then, the gang heard this whirling noise coming from outside the tunnel. 

"Is that a helicopter?" Charlie asked. 

The two humans and Dalmatians crawled up out of the hole ending up in the park. Only to find that the rest of the pups had been captured by Cruella's goons and thrown into a large shipping crate. The four of them looked up seeing Dorothy in the helicopter with Hunter. They also saw their friends Fergus the fox, Big-Fee the rat, and Sid the squirrel, who had witnessed the puppies get taken, grab onto the side of the crate as it was being lifted up into the air by the helicopter. 

Kali, Charlie, Dylan, and Dolly all ran towards the shipping crate desperate to get to it in time. 

"Come on! Jump!" Charlie told his friends. 

All four of them then jumped into the air but had missed the crate as it was just out of reach for them and taken away, with the pups inside. 

"NOOOOOO!!!" Dylan, Dolly, and Kali all cried out. 

"SHIT!" Charlie yelled in frustration as the villains were getting away with the puppies. 

"They're not getting away that easy!" Kali narrowed her eyes and began chasing after the shipping crate. Charlie, Dylan, and Dolly were all quick to follow her. 

"Come on!" Dolly said, as the four of them jumped over the fence and pursued after the villains on foot. 

Pearl, the gang's police horse friend, who had heard their cries nearby was soon running alongside them. 

"Pearl! They've dognapped the puppies!" Charlie informed her. 

"Climb on!" Pearl told them. 

The four friends jumped onto the police horse's back as they chased after the shipping crate. 

"It's a shipment container!" Pearl said. "They must be heading for the docks!"

"Cruella must be planning to take them out of London where she won't have to deal with the jurisdiction" Charlie realized. 

"What?! She's taking them out of the country!?" Dylan exclaimed. 

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Kali said narrowing her eyes in determination. 

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