London, We have a Problem Part 1

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"So... this is where they all live... Dalmatian Street. Duh" A mysterious and suspicious young male voice said while looking through some binoculars. 

"Now go on, Cuddles, and check it out" The voice soon told his hairless, ugly cat. 

The sphynx cat did as his master requested, stealthily sneaking up to the Camden home and peaked through the mail slot. 

Meanwhile, Kali Harpercop and her new friend Charlie Osborne were upstairs in his room. He was showing her his tags and telling her stories about his times in Iraq.

You see, Charlie was a U.S. marine who had inherited this old Camden Town house from a relative and was now staying here with the Dalmatian family, at least until he could figure out what he was going to do with the house. He arrived just a few weeks after Kali came to the Dalmatian residents to pay a visit to the family. He was only a few years older then Kali and they both got along great, as well with all the pups. Although it took awhile for Dolly to warm up to the young marine, now they were like brother and sister. It's true, Charlie truly had become one of the family now. 

"So you've really been to Iraq?" Kali asked Charlie, being intrigued by his war stories. "And is it true you really took down an entire army with just 15 men?" 

"Yep," Charlie smiled. "It's all about stealth, wits, and teamwork" He explained. 

"Wow..." The young adventure girl was in awe. "I wish I could do what you do" She said, looking at Charlie. 

The young marine smiled back at Kali, saying. "I wish I could do what you do"

Kali had told Charlie a few of her adventure stories and how on some of them she'd have help from her magic crystal. 

The two friends chuckled over this friendly bonding moment. Just then the doorbell rang. 

"I wonder who that could be?" Charlie said. 

"Probably the postman" Kali replied. "Dylan's new space helmet must've finally arrived"

"Was he getting that today?" Charlie mentioned about Dylan's space helmet. 

"Yeah," Kali replied with a light chuckle, stating. "It's all he's been talking about the entire week"

Charlie then remembered how the pups always got whenever the postman came. "I'll bet that postman wishes he had a new route" He joked. 

Kali and Charlie both laughed, coming out of his room just when they heard Dolly call from downstairs a trigger word. 


The whole house suddenly started shaking as Kali and Charlie watched a stampede of Dalmatian puppies race downstairs, toppling over poor Dylan in the process just like every morning. 

"The poor guy's never going to get a break" Kali said to Charlie about Dylan's misfortune. 

The two humans came down the stairs while Charlie helped Dylan get back up on his feet. 

"You alright there, Dylan?" Charlie asked the pedantic pup. 

"I'll be fine..." Dylan answered, seeming a little dazed. 

Kali then noticed Dylan was wearing something over his head. 

"Say, is that?..." She began, pointing at the object over Dylan's head. 

"My Dogstar 3000!" Dylan exclaimed joyfully with sparkles in his eyes, taking it off to show the humans. 

"Wow, that's pretty cool, Dyl" Charlie told the young Dalmatian. 

The Return of De-Vilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें